We took a family trip to the post office to pick up what was a much smaller box than we expected! The postmaster said they'd been keeping her company all day.

Their home for the next 4 weeks - 1 inch of wood shavings with newspaper over that for the first day so they don't confuse wood shavings for their food, heat lamp as they're supposed to be in 90-95 degrees for the first few days, waterers with sugar water and chick starter (feed).

Ta da! This side had mostly black stars with a few red stars (light brown) and a Cornish hen (traditional yellow) mixed in. All of the chicks were born on Friday (2/25/11), so, they are just a few days old.

Exploring their new home - Geoff took them out of the box one by one, and I dipped each one's beak in the water, so that they knew it was there. Most chicks that don't make it die from dehydration, so we're trying hard to prevent that. There is only one we're worried about at this point, but Geoff hand fed her some food mixed with water, and we've been checking on her this evening, so we're hopeful she makes it through the night.

Three little chicks all in a row!

Huddling under the heat lamp.

Mary-Michael meeting the chicks with Daddy. She was shy at first, and then was really exicted about petting (aka swatting) at them.

And because of the unseasonably warm weather today and our heavy dose of Virginia Tech agriculture life, we had to sport the UVA outfit.
I can't believe they came by mail! I'm not sure how I was expecting them to arrive, but it wasn't in a box with holes. I thought that only happened in cartoons!