It is so hard to believe one year has passed. It feels like just yesterday your daddy and I were in the hospital room showing you off to all our friends and family. We had so many visitors, and on your birthday celebration this weekend we were blessed to have many of those same visitors present. You are so incredibly loved, and we know why. You are sweet, full of laughs, energetic and such a happy baby. And not only are we grateful for you, but also grateful for all of those who have loved, prayed for and supported us in our first year of parenthood. It is incredible when I think about all the support we have had. Below are some pictures from your birthday weekend.
Mary-Michael - we love you.
Momma and Daddy

Sporting your Baby Gap jeggings and birthday party top.

The theme was daisies! Here are your birthday cupcakes - one of which you thoroughly enjoyed.

And the birthday cake made by me! Your Nonnie and Grandma always made your Daddy and I's birthday cakes when we were young, so I want to continue the tradition.

Mary-Michael and Christian.

Aunt Keesha resting after pushing you around the house - you were going so fast you lost a sock!

Happy Birthday to you!
Enjoying some yummy birthday cake! (notice all the flashes - I think the papparazzi were there in disguise...)

Thanks to all of the generous donations we are going to bless some shelter animals in our county!

We ended your birthday with one of your favorite activities - a bath! And thanks to a few of momma's generous coworkers you now have a new toy, which makes bath time even longer and more fun! How can you resist this face?
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