Yes, I can call you that because I'm your mother. So much of me is so sad that you are approaching the one year mark. I have tried so hard to enjoy the moment and stage you are in each day and not say "Oh, I can't wait til she..." God is reminding me as I write this that it's ok to be sad about the time passed but that I should also be excited for all the beautiful, challenging and new moments that lie ahead. So, I will continue to avoid reading Someday or I'll Love You Forever to you or to anyone for that matter. The mothers who wrote those books must be tough as nails or maybe they were written by men...I can't get through the first few pages without tears.
But alas, this post is supposed to be about you and not my teary moments.
Here's what you're up to:
-grinding your 4 teeth (now that your 2 top teeth have finally showed up!)
-attempting to say kitty cat, which really sounds like tittytat (you are able to pick out the kitty cat from a group of pictures)
-standing for a few seconds
-you are obsessed with the dogs' water bowl, which means dumping it on the floor if I don't get to you in time. This is now the cleanest part of the kitchen as I'm forced to do an impromptu mop!
-climbing stairs - you've become quite the expert - bring on the baby gate!
-you are a mooch - whenever someone is eating, you spot it, you beeline for them and you stand by their side with a sweet grin until they share.
-you are starting to really show us when you're unhappy - small tantrums ensue, which involve you putting your face to the floor and crying - thankfully they are short lived at this point
-Outside of these mini-tantrums, you continue to be a really happy baby, bringing joy to everyone you're with.
Momma, Daddy and so many others love you and are praying for you - we know you will continue to be a blessing to others, and that is a true gift!
All our love,
Momma and Daddy

My pretty princess.

A picture from a recent visit to meet your new cousin, Emelyn (Kallie and Ethan in the background).
A short video: Puppies, Kisses and Giggles
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