~You love people. You wave at passing cars wherever we are and often at people passing when we're in a public place. However, if a stranger gets really close you often sound the alarm - I'm ok with this. Unfortunately, we live in a world where not everyone is who they seem, so a little caution is good.
~You love to dance, twirl and dress up. Most days you want to wear sparkly shoes, your Mardi Gras beads and some sort of sunglasses. There is no doubt you are a girl. ~You are really affectionate with those you know and love. You freely share smiles, kisses and squeezes (aka hugs).
~You still love books - this makes me so happy! In long car rides or when you are playing by yourself I will often find you with a book opened up in your hand and you talking to yourself. The book may be upside down, but you are getting it. ~You mimic us a lot! The other day we caught you with your toy remote control under the crook of your neck (you think it's a phone) while reading a book. A clear sign that we multitask too much!
~You love all animals and enjoy giving them hugs and rolling around on the floor with them, especially our little beagle, Carla.
~You rarely sit.
~You love to be outside - swinging, jumping, running, screaming at the dogs, you don't care as long as there aren't 4 walls around you.
~You are a good listener, but you have learned the word NO....
~You are learning new words often but still can't communicate what you want, when you want it and why you want it, which makes you frustrated. You haven't been angry toward us but you do get mad at yourself and scrunch up your fists and yell.
~You love to be with other kids and watch how they play. You are quite observant, so we'll need to be mindful of who we surround our own family with.
~Your Daddy and I are completely enamored with you and know having a little brother will be an adjustment, but that you will love him beautifully. I can't wait to spend more time with you as I transition out of my job.
At the doctor's office this week, you showed that our efforts to feed you as often as possible were worth it, as you moved into the 32nd percentile in weight (from 4% at your 15 month check up). You are still tall in the 72nd percentile. And you still despise being at the doctor's office even though this visit has no shots. Here are some unedited pictures from a recent photo shoot at Portrait Innovations (inlcuding some that didn't get printed...the meltdown photo).

And here's a video of one of Mary-Michael's favorite things to do.
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