-today we had an ultrasound to check on his cyst, and it is gone. Praise God - thank you for your prayers!
-he is measuring great and the doc said he weighs approximately 1 lb. 14 oz.
-he now has a name...Frazier John Lawrence. Frazier is my paternal grandmother's maiden name and my dad and brother's middle name. Fraser (different spelling) is also on my mom's side. And we chose John to honor Geoff's maternal grandfather who passed away early 2010. John was his middle name and a man Geoff greatly admired. We found out later that John was also my great-grandfather's first name - John Frazier to be exact. How cool is that?!
-I haven't been sick since the day before we left on vacation - over 1 week!
I have been terrible with posting regular pictures and despite the reminder on my phone there have been weeks without a belly shot, so here's a smattering of his and my growth, as well as a few pictures from our ultrasound today.
12 weeks
13 weeks
19 weeks
20 weeks
25 weeks

Look at that sweet face.
always love your updates, terra :-0)