Nine months, really?? This means you are 3/4 of the way through your first year. It can't be so! Mary-Michael, you are growing up way too fast, but my goodness are you precious!
You have been deemed a little tornado while getting changed, dressed or under any form of restraint (the doctor's office is the worst) - this is because as soon as we lay you on your back you are twisting and turning to get on your stomach and start crawling. It is a battle to change your diaper, and we are running out of exciting trinkets to put in your hands with the hope it will capture your attention for 10 seconds. However, we are becoming speedy diaper changers!
You are starting to really enjoy peek-a-boo, and are even doing it yourself. The other day I caught you pulling your blanket up and down over your face trying to get my attention. You are making a kissy face back to us when we give you kisses, and it is so cute. You are starting to hear the word "no" a lot since you are exploring everything and particularly love to pull up and touch the things you're not supposed to (TV stand, electrical cords, plants, bookshelves). Typically, when you hear no you turn around and grin - I'm hoping this is because you're not quite sure what it means and not because you already have a rebellious streak. I kind of think you know though since you constantly look back and smile as you head toward something that is off-limits. Sneaky little girl!
You are eating all kinds of things though you're still not a fan of green vegetables - I blame that on Daddy. Cheerios have become my saving grace when I need a moment to do something or you're on the verge of hunger and I can't stop to nurse you for some reason. Thank you General Mills!
At your 9 month check up you were 18 lbs 1.5 oz (30%) and 27.5 inches long (50%), and you are 50% overall. The doctor checked off most of your 12 month milestones, too, so we've already signed you up for the gifted program...just kidding. I'm not that crazy (yet).
Your Daddy and I really do thank God for you because you bring so much joy to our lives and so many others. We are already praying for your future friends, your future husband (way down the road!) and His Purpose for your life, which we know is a great one. You are such a special little girl, and while it's sad sometimes to think about you becoming a little girl and leaving that baby stage, we are really excited to see how you become your own little person - you are already quite the little lady.
We love you, Mary-Michael. Thank you for being you.

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