Thanksgiving with the Lawrence's was loads of fun. Mary-Michael met her cousins Jace and Makenzie for the first time, and I think they kind of liked her as was evidenced by the fact that she was rarely left unattended for more than 15 seconds.

While we waited for our turkey to cook we made pumpkin turkeys.

And we took pictures.

And more pictures.

And more pictures.

And we did handstands, which resulted in belly laughs from Mary-Michael, so there were a lot of handstands!

And we practiced walking with Grandma...all while waiting for the turkey to finish. Did I mention there was a brief power surge Thanksgiving morning, and we didn't notice that the oven cut off? Oops!

And finally - it's time to eat! Aunt Melissa introduced M&M to apple slices to gum, which she loved!

Cousin Jace helped feed M&M.

So did cousin Makenzie. Makenzie was also the official monitor checker, as she took it upon herself to make sure we knew about every peep, cry and movement that occurred while Mary-Michael slept or was supposed to be sleeping. It was really cute.

On Friday, we all took the subway into DC and ate lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. This is Grandma and Mary-Michael sharing a moment.

It was a very cold day, so we had to bundle up while walking to the American History Museum. Despite missing her afternoon nap she did quite well as we strolled her through the museum.

On Saturday, we had some final moments of fun with Uncle Kam and cousin Jace all while supporting both Momma and Daddy's teams.

You may think she's a Virginia Tech Hokie fan from this picture, but wait...

The dress is divided, and she actually likes the UVA Hoos, too (too bad they lost).
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