Our story of life as we journey through parenthood.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Daddy's Hands
Mary-Michael was in very capable hands last night as I went out for my monthly girls dinner. We went to a great place in Church Hill called Sette and enjoyed some very good girl time - nothing like a lot of laughter and honesty to end the day!
We are a blessed family of six with 2 sweet girls and 2 precious boys! We have a heart for the fatherless (our oldest came to our family through an almost 2.5 year adoption journey and our youngest was adopted at birth) as truly we are all orphans until we discover the grace-filled and deeper than deep love that only our Heavenly Father gives. He's so good to love us in all our brokenness! Our non-human family members include 2 dogs, 1 cat, 20 or so chickens, bee hives, and 3 cows. We believe that with Jesus all things are possible, so we dare to dream and live out our dreams. We all have a story - this is ours.
So, so sweet. I suggest printing and framing for Father's Day! :)