She had 3 shots, which the amazing nurse was able to do in a matter of 5 seconds. A scream like I've never heard came out followed by a whimper and then silence, like it never happened. She's a champ. I think it bothered me more than it did her.
Here are the stats for those interested:
Height (49%) 1' 10.5" (22.5 inches)
Weight (39%) 10lb. 11oz.
Head (51%) 15.35"
She has slept in her crib the last 4 nights and is doing very well with a 6-6.5 hour strech between her late night and middle of the night feeding. Momma likes this. And to show me that she is fine after all those shots, she was her normal happy self this morning.
What a beauty... she looks so much like her Momma. Love you both!