Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Part 2

All I want for Christmas is my two bottom teeth... Well, they finally arrived. They are too small and she is too busy for me to get a picture, but I can vouch as a nursing mother that they are here! For weeks we've been waiting for them to show up, so this was quite exciting.

We've also been spreading Christmas out since we are quite blessed to have so many family. Here are a few pics from the last few days.

Christmas presents with Grandma and Grandpa!

So far, her favorite gift is Brownie, the Pillow Pet from Uncle Kam. As soon as we put her near it, the thumb goes in the mouth and she snuggles with it. And just in case she gets bored while snuggling, she now has her own remote.

Making faces with Grandpa.

One pair of red long johns is enough to shield your eyes.

One and a half pairs...well, it's not quite so bad because the half is quite cute.

Two and a half pairs of long johns - oh my! These should not be legal.

Three and a half pairs of red long johns...yes, we all have matching ones. This will definitely go down in my fun Christmas memories.

Might this be next year's Christmas card?

Bouncing with Aunt Keesha and Grape the Ape.

Playing with Uncle Drew at Nonnie and Grandad's house.

"Walking" with Grandad while cousin Kallie prepares to catch.

Kallie practicing her big sister skills since she has a little sister due in less than 2 months!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Part 1

Many times pictures can say it better than I can (plus, I just love taking pictures with our new camera). This really was a wonderful Christmas, and while Mary-Michael won't remember it, we sure will. Babies sure can bring families together and dissipate any tension or ill will that might have existed. So, Mary-Michael, you may not realize it, but you are already blessing others. Merry Christmas love!

Cousin Owen's new race track quickly became a favorite of M&M's.

Who needs clothes? Being naked is so much more fun!

Blackmail picture for my brother who wants to enter the world of fashion for his career.

Opening a present from Aunt Mel and the family. Mary-Michael was given so many nice things for Christmas - wow, we are blessed.

Random shot of my Christmas card door. I LOVE getting cards every year!

After Christmas Eve lunch with the Burrell's, we went to our candlelight service, which was really simple and special this year. Mimi, Grandad, Mom and Ronnie joined us, and then we had dinner together.

M&M's first Christmas Eve - she was so glad to get in those Christmas meant bedtime was right around the corner.

Christmas Eve with the Burrell's (aka my dad's side). Poor M&M was just on day 2 of her antibiotics for her ear infection. She was not a happy camper.

The newlyweds - John and Aunt Diane.

Zach and Taylor (in the background).

Mary-Michael with her Great Aunt Diane.

Nana and her "baby boy" - my dad!

Me and the wonderful cook - Beth always creates delicious treats for our family get-togethers.

Friday, December 24, 2010

On the Eve of Christmas

This year, I have really been making a point to enjoy this season. This has meant sending fewer Christmas cards, making fewer Christmas cookies, getting out fewer decorations and not overwhelming myself to find someone the perfect gift. It has also meant more moments of reflection, spending quality time with friends and family and more thoughtfulness about what I want Christmas to signify for my own children. I hope that Mary-Michael and our future kids will know the wonder and fantasy of Santa, but more than that I hope they learn this season is a time to give to others, be a blessing to others and give thandks because that is what Jesus did.

Since this is my first Christmas as a mother, my thoughts have turned more toward Mary and what she must have felt today on the eve of her Son's birth. I'll admit the first thing that comes to mind is the pain of having to travel on a donkey while 9 months pregnant only to have your delivery room be a stable with no drugs, no popscicles and no helpful nurses to tend to your needs - that is a super woman right there! But amidst all of this discomfort, she was charged with what I think is a most amazing task - to bring the Son of God into this world. I'm sure her levels of nervousness and excitement were much like my own when I knew Mary-Michael would arrive soon. But I bet her faith in God and the strength of her husband by her side gave her the courage and ability she needed to push through.

So, today, I thank Mary for being such a servant and Joseph for humbly answering the call to stand by her side. I pray that my family and I can only be so willing to go and do whatever the Lord asks of us - even if it's countercultural. May we all be Marys, Josephs and most definitely a Jesus to someone this season and throughout the year. Christmas is a great reminder to give to and bless others, but in reality this is what we are called to do all year and all our lives.

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Merry Christmas Eve to you and yours!

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Week in Pictures

M&M can now clap! She even clapped with us during worship in church yesterday - it was really sweet.

Catching some air with Daddy.

Time with Uncle Zach who moves to Phoenix, AZ in less than 2 weeks. We are sad but excited for his new adventure with his girlfriend, Skylar.

Adult Night Out! We enjoyed a scrumptious dinner in Williamsburg with some of our favorite friends.

Renee excited about her massive piece of carrot cake while stunned husband looks on...only the pregnant lady would order 2 appetizers, an entree and a dessert this big.

Full and happy!

The boys.

Opening presents with our friend Lilly Kate after a yummy brunch.

Mary-Michael listening and watching her older and wiser friend.

Two new things happening here - Mary-Michael is doing "pig face" and eating Cheerios out of a bowl on the floor...this is to prevent her from eating the dog food in the background...which has already happened once!

The annual Christmas gathering of the Desperate Women (aka family friends who've been there since before I was born!)

Mary-Michael with sweet Kacie.

Mary-Michael with her grand Godmother, Meg (one of my wonderful Godmother's!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Nine Months

My Little Tornado,

Nine months, really?? This means you are 3/4 of the way through your first year. It can't be so! Mary-Michael, you are growing up way too fast, but my goodness are you precious!

You have been deemed a little tornado while getting changed, dressed or under any form of restraint (the doctor's office is the worst) - this is because as soon as we lay you on your back you are twisting and turning to get on your stomach and start crawling. It is a battle to change your diaper, and we are running out of exciting trinkets to put in your hands with the hope it will capture your attention for 10 seconds. However, we are becoming speedy diaper changers!

You are starting to really enjoy peek-a-boo, and are even doing it yourself. The other day I caught you pulling your blanket up and down over your face trying to get my attention. You are making a kissy face back to us when we give you kisses, and it is so cute. You are starting to hear the word "no" a lot since you are exploring everything and particularly love to pull up and touch the things you're not supposed to (TV stand, electrical cords, plants, bookshelves). Typically, when you hear no you turn around and grin - I'm hoping this is because you're not quite sure what it means and not because you already have a rebellious streak. I kind of think you know though since you constantly look back and smile as you head toward something that is off-limits. Sneaky little girl!

You are eating all kinds of things though you're still not a fan of green vegetables - I blame that on Daddy. Cheerios have become my saving grace when I need a moment to do something or you're on the verge of hunger and I can't stop to nurse you for some reason. Thank you General Mills!

At your 9 month check up you were 18 lbs 1.5 oz (30%) and 27.5 inches long (50%), and you are 50% overall. The doctor checked off most of your 12 month milestones, too, so we've already signed you up for the gifted program...just kidding. I'm not that crazy (yet).

Your Daddy and I really do thank God for you because you bring so much joy to our lives and so many others. We are already praying for your future friends, your future husband (way down the road!) and His Purpose for your life, which we know is a great one. You are such a special little girl, and while it's sad sometimes to think about you becoming a little girl and leaving that baby stage, we are really excited to see how you become your own little person - you are already quite the little lady.

We love you, Mary-Michael. Thank you for being you.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving in Pictures

Thanksgiving with the Lawrence's was loads of fun. Mary-Michael met her cousins Jace and Makenzie for the first time, and I think they kind of liked her as was evidenced by the fact that she was rarely left unattended for more than 15 seconds.

While we waited for our turkey to cook we made pumpkin turkeys.

And we took pictures.

And more pictures.

And more pictures.

And we did handstands, which resulted in belly laughs from Mary-Michael, so there were a lot of handstands!

And we practiced walking with Grandma...all while waiting for the turkey to finish. Did I mention there was a brief power surge Thanksgiving morning, and we didn't notice that the oven cut off? Oops!

And finally - it's time to eat! Aunt Melissa introduced M&M to apple slices to gum, which she loved!

Cousin Jace helped feed M&M.

So did cousin Makenzie. Makenzie was also the official monitor checker, as she took it upon herself to make sure we knew about every peep, cry and movement that occurred while Mary-Michael slept or was supposed to be sleeping. It was really cute.

On Friday, we all took the subway into DC and ate lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. This is Grandma and Mary-Michael sharing a moment.

It was a very cold day, so we had to bundle up while walking to the American History Museum. Despite missing her afternoon nap she did quite well as we strolled her through the museum.

On Saturday, we had some final moments of fun with Uncle Kam and cousin Jace all while supporting both Momma and Daddy's teams.

You may think she's a Virginia Tech Hokie fan from this picture, but wait...

The dress is divided, and she actually likes the UVA Hoos, too (too bad they lost).