Sunday, September 30, 2012

Frazier at 9 Months

My Sweet 'Lil Man,

While Momma and Daddy were in Niger, Africa, you celebrated 9 months here on earth! You are becoming your own little person, and when we returned home after 10 days away, I couldn’t believe how much of a boy you had turned into. Where did my baby go!?

You are growing like a weed and eating much better than you had been when we first started you on solids. You still prefer fruit over anything green, but we’re able to get it in without you gagging, which is progress. You are eating 3 good meals a day and nursing 4 times a day while sleeping 10-11 hours at night. You take a long morning nap, and your afternoon nap ranges from 1-2 hours and coincides with your sister’s so that I can have some alone time (that “me” time only makes me a better Momma!). You are wearing a few 9 month clothes but mostly 12 month at this point. You still have quite the belly!! You have 7 teeth with more on the way.

You are crawling on all fours, pulling up and cruising while holding on to something. Nothing is out of your reach, and I am constantly playing defense as you find things that I didn’t see to put in your mouth or pull over on top of you. You keep me on my toes, and you are always busy! You and your sister play so well together, and she is learning the "joy" of sharing since you want everything that she has. I love watching the two of you interact. 

You continue to be full of smiles, and your giggles and babbles make us laugh. We love you sweet boy.


Playing together in the tent - I LOVE it. 

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