Our first! The one we saw walk first, heard talk first, who first called us mama and daddy. Wow! It is hard to believe that 15 years ago I became a mother for the first time. The fear and joy that enveloped me as we left that hospital room and ventured home with no clue of what we were doing still feels quite real. Possibly because each season has its own newness and brings its own new set of fears and joys. That is the story of parenting!
What I want you to hear from us first is that we are so proud of you. You have become this amazing, beautiful, young woman with such a wonderful personality. You are strong. You are funny. You are quick with words (sometimes too quick, but that's for another day). You are a connector. You love fiercely. You are passionate. You are smart, and you make us proud.
You have thrived in your first year of high school. You and (me) are so glad to have the middle school drama behind us. That was exhausting, but boy, did we learn some things! You have a solid, large friend group, and I see how you cross bridges and connect groups so naturally. Playing varsity volleyball has been a huge part of your freshmen year, and you can't wait to get back on the court. In the meantime, we are enjoying working out together a few times a week to stay in shape. I love these times with you.
2025 is the year you took on the dishes. This had been Leila's chore for a while, and then we did a big switch as the new year turned. And then the dishwasher broke. And it's still broken. So, you're getting way more practice than you had hoped in learning how to properly hand wash dishes. Sorry, honey.
You are my girly girl through and through. You love trying new make-up products, testing out new hairstyles, new ways to curl your hair, and making sure the rest of the family is dressed fashionably. You are the one we come to when we're unsure about an outfit choice, and you have no issues telling us what you really think and offer an alternative. I am grateful for this! We have been sharing clothes for quite some time now though you outgrew me in the shoe department a while back. You and Frazier frequently swap shoes and school spirit wear, which works out about 50% of the time. We haven't decided if the sharing is worth the arguments that inevitable ensure when something gets lost, stained or left somewhere.
I enjoy our one-on-one time together. You have so much to share, and I'm grateful you tell me what's happening in your life - from boys (no dating yet), to friends, to what you took notes on in youth group and what crazy thing happened at school today. I usually end up laughing or slightly concerned about the world we're trying to raise you in, but God knew, and He's got you.
As you look ahead to getting your learner's permit, to prom, to considering college, we will continue to treasure our time with you. The years are short - this is so true. We love you.
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