First Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Frazier, God has given you an incredible gift of encouraging others. You have a beautiful way of connecting with those who are younger than you and older than you, and I see you do that so successfully because you see the good in others, and you aren't afraid to verbalize it.
You are fun to be around, always up for a prank and a true lover of the outdoors. Just a few weeks ago, you and your best buddy, Liam, shot, skinned, roasted and ate an entire squirrel in a matter of 2 hours. You were both so pleased with yourself and so ready to execute this moment from start to finish. You both are determined to move to Alaska when you've graduated and make it in the wild in some sort of RV/camper van. I love your sense of adventure!
You have a good chance of surviving those Alaskan days because of your ingenuity, problem solving skills and ability to build and fix all kinds of things. However, should those cold days wear off in Alaska, you have the makings of an engineer. I have no doubt your incredible people skills, great passion for LEGOS, and willingness to jump in and try will help you to be successful.
You have thrived at Grace Christian as a 6th grader. You were voted the male representative for the 6th grade, and you look forward to your Student Council meetings. You recently declared to me that you plan to run every year because you love talking with others about how to make the school better. Moving up to middle school has also afforded you the opportunity to serve on Sundays in Kids Church and attend youth group during the week. You love being at church, and regularly at staff meeting, I hear someone singing your praises - you jumped in the help with sound, you were willing to dress in a silly costume, you gave someone a compliment or asked how you could help. I'm so proud of you.
You are your little brother's hero and archenemy depending on the moment. All in all, you love him really well. You love sugar...a lot...and you really enjoy helping make breakfast and any reason to use a knife in the kitchen to chop something. I'm still determined to break you of your preference for graphic novels, as well as your pursuit of collecting knife in all shapes and sizes. What is it with boys and weaponry!
Truly though, we are so proud of you. The way you love others represents your faith so well. We know when you're around everyone will be included, I will likely step on a loose logo or sock and you will have all of us laughing. We love you, bud. Happy 12th birthday!

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