So much fun and family moments have been had this fall. We have settled into a rhythm with new school routines, expectations and influences (the good and the bad, which makes for important and necessary conversations!). Here are some highlights in pictures.
The girls started That Dance Thing (aka TDT), which is a Christian etiquette/dance event that takes place 2 Friday evenings a month. The oldest couldn't wait to go, and the youngest shed some real tears about us making her do the worst thing ever. After 3 evenings, they both really like it, talk the entire ride home and are learning enough to teach mom and dad.

The girls and I took an evening trip to the mall to find a homecoming dress for Leila's first homecoming dance. After weeding through dresses the length of a t-shirt (seriously, I don't know how the girls could dance in them), we found just the right one.

At our church's Fall Festival, Frazier won the pie-eating contest.

Daddy took the kids on an overnight tent camping trip combined with a few hikes. They all did really well, even Daddy!

Leila was so happy to be able to take her best bud, Emma, (also from Niger) to her homecoming dance. They had a lot of fun, and we had so much fun getting them ready.

Mimi and Poppy came to see the lovely ladies off.

Philip and Erica's little one, Emery, was dedicated at church this fall. Though Philip is now taller than Geoff, he's still like a little brother. We are thankful for our 15+ years of friendship.

"Punkin Day" was all Benaiah talked about for a week leading up to the event. Here's his prized possession.

We hosted 8 of Mary-Michael's 7th grade friends for an evening of fall fun - riding on the trails, hot dog roasting, s'mores and kickball. It was so fun to get to know some of them better and see how much they enjoy each other.
It's always fun to sleepover with the Senters!

The fall is my busy work season as we launch small groups for the season. This was our best year yet with more than 70% of our congregation joining and participating in a small group! This is a picture from one of our leader trainings.

Mary-Michael has found her new favorite sport playing on the middle school volleyball team at her school this year. She has grown tremendously and finished the season as a starter. We are so proud of her!

Benaiah took his first stab at rock climbing at a birthday party and surprised us both with his bravery.

Let's go Lady Kings!

We enjoyed hearing Dr. Ben Carson speak this fall at the Family Foundation's annual gala. What a resounding message of hope and truth he gave!

We took a quick trip to the Virginia State Fair mostly to see Jacey (our business partners' daughter) run and win the barrel race. We had to sneak in a visit to the tractors, of course.

Leila's first year in public high school has had it's ups and downs, but when we received notice she was receiving a character award in that first month, it was such a bright spot.

Great job, Leila!

Frazier enjoyed fishing on a cool, fall morning with some friends.
Frazier enjoyed fishing on a cool, fall morning with some friends.
The girls and I took an evening trip to the mall to find a homecoming dress for Leila's first homecoming dance. After weeding through dresses the length of a t-shirt (seriously, I don't know how the girls could dance in them), we found just the right one.
At our church's Fall Festival, Frazier won the pie-eating contest.
Daddy took the kids on an overnight tent camping trip combined with a few hikes. They all did really well, even Daddy!
Leila was so happy to be able to take her best bud, Emma, (also from Niger) to her homecoming dance. They had a lot of fun, and we had so much fun getting them ready.
Mimi and Poppy came to see the lovely ladies off.
Philip and Erica's little one, Emery, was dedicated at church this fall. Though Philip is now taller than Geoff, he's still like a little brother. We are thankful for our 15+ years of friendship.
"Punkin Day" was all Benaiah talked about for a week leading up to the event. Here's his prized possession.
We hosted 8 of Mary-Michael's 7th grade friends for an evening of fall fun - riding on the trails, hot dog roasting, s'mores and kickball. It was so fun to get to know some of them better and see how much they enjoy each other.
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