We enjoyed seeing many family members for Thanksgiving this year! The week began with our Thankful Tree. "Gratitude shifts the attitude" as I frequently tell my children (and myself, if I'm being honest). And we wrapped up the week hosting family from my mom and stepdad's side at our house. Here are some pictures of the festivities.
It looks a bit like Charlie Brown's might have looked, but it reminded us of how blessed we are even when things feel hard or we don't have something we really want.

I was happy to join Mary-Michael and her school for their annual "Giving Thanks" Day. The students went out into the community and spent time with more than 30 organization. I stayed at the school baking with groups of middle schoolers and high schoolers.

Frazier joined in on "Giving Thanks" Day by spending the day with our dear friends who run RVA Hope Center. They delivered bedroom furniture to several families in low-income housing developments, which was a real blessing since many of these families do not have beds or any real furniture.

Once the school break began we headed to Northern VA to connect with our cousins! We started off with a trip to the recently renovated Air & Space Museum.

It was a beautiful outside, so we enjoyed the National Mall.

Benaiah and Aunt Melissa taking a walk to the DC Wharf.

After lots of exploring and walking, we were tired as we waited for the Metro.

With 18 to feed for Thanksgiving, this is a glimpse of "too many cooks in the kitchen," but we still have fun!

A beautiful table ready for a feast.

We enjoyed a delicious meal hosted by Grandma and Grandpa.

As we do each year, we have a time of taking family pictures outside.

This is what the boys prefer to do over taking pictures.

We hosted my mom, stepdad and step-siblings for a Sunday afternoon gathering, and it was a real treat. Some of us hadn't seen one another since before COVID.

Love you, momma!

All the girls plus Benaiah headed to explore the trails.

Very thankful for these guys!
Very thankful for these guys!