How did I get a teenager in the home? Wow, these last few years have flown by, and you have grown from a timid, little girl into a blossoming young lady.
You are bursting to do all things grown-up but still such a little girl as you continue to discover America, being in a family and being a student. One moment you are playing with your dolls and the next you are asking how long you have to wait before you get a cell phone (never, by the way).
You continue to love all things crafts and coloring. Currently, you are slightly obsessed with making rubber band bracelets, and they continue to pile on up your arm. You are hoping to make a sleeve, you told me. You love the detailed coloring books and carry your pencils and books around everywhere. You are very detail-oriented, and you are very gifted with your hands.
Other favorite things you enjoy doing are painting your nails, braiding my hair or your doll's hair and looking at any screen that is on (TV, computer, etc.). Sadly for you, God gave you a mother who has screen phobia and would prefer you play outside and use your mind. I know, I am so old-fashioned. So, Friday night movie night is definitely one of your weekly highlights. And anytime you can visit one of your grandparents or relatives.
While you are still my pickiest child with food, you have come so far. You are quick to tell me when something is not your favorite but you are really good about eating it any way without too much fuss. You are still completely into spicy things, especially your Niger spice that Daddy brought home from his last trip. And thank goodness, you are starting to like chocolate! We also enjoy drinking tea together as long as you have plenty of sugar.
This past year, we made a real attempt to start talking with you about hard things like sex and the dangers of pornography (we always had tea while doing this!). You have finally stopped putting your fingers in your ears and are only making faces of disgust now. It is very hard not to laugh, but we always want to have open conversation about some of these hard things.
You are so well-liked in your 4th grade class and are friends with everyone. You are quick to call someone out when they are being unkind, and I love that. Though school continues to be a struggle, you have a great teacher and principal who are focused on accommodating your needs and pushing you as much as possible.
You continue to be queen at Monopoly Deal, and I can always count on your to do a great job when helping me around the house. You are thorough and a hard worker when you are in the right mindset. I am proud to be your mother, and we are so thankful for all the ways you have brightened our lives and adjusted our perspective. Through your growing and discovering, we are all growing too!
I love you,
(The pictures at the skating rink below are from Leila’s 13th birthday celebration at Ashland Skateland. What a fun evening it was!)

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