My Nerfgun carrying, Lego-building, tender-hearted snuggling little boy. You are growing up so fast. Your baby face is disappearing and you are becoming a young man. I'm not ready! You still have freckles all over your nose, which I love!
You love kindergarten with Mrs. McConville, and I'm certain you've made friends with every single person in your class. I get to eat lunch with you almost every week, and I see how everyone talks to you and tells me how nice you are. One little girl says, "Give me a thumbs up if you like Frazier," and all the kids show me their thumbs up. So sweet. You are doing all the normal school stuff and above where you need to be (though I'm not sure how because I feel like you only got about 10% of the time I gave Mary-Michael in practicing academic stuff - 3rd child!). You are a smartie, and you are eager to read. I'm so thankful!
I love our morning snuggles when you wake up early and want to read on the couch. We love reading Mercer Mayer books, books about animals, Ninjago books and books about heroes in the Bible. Though you're young, you do well listening to chapter books we read aloud, and you especially love when Mary-Michael reads to you.
Life with your sisters is not always sweet and pleasant, but having older sisters is great training ground for future relationships (at least that's what I keep telling myself). I am often referee between the three of you, but there's not much you want more than to just be with your sisters. Every weekend you get to sleep on their floor, and you are one happy boy. You desperately want them to play with you and like you.
You started playing basketball this year with your Daddy as head coach and Mary-Michael as your teammate. You're the shortest on the team, but you have lots of energy, and it's a great place to get it out. You're already excited about t-ball this spring!
When you're not fighting bad guys or building things, you may be in the kitchen with me, laying on the floor with Carla or outside playing. You are a great helper in the kitchen and jump in without me even asking.
I pray your heart continues to stay tender, that you always want to fight for those who are weak or hurt and that you forever know and believe how much you are loved and accepted by God. He has this amazing plan for you! In your room you have this Scripture posted:
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9
Yes, my young man. Let Jesus be your strength and believe he is with you always.
We love you and pray every day you will choose life with Christ.
Momma and Daddy
My little Christmas elf.
Preparing for your class Christmas party.
Your first basketball game on the Mavericks team.
For your birthday, you wanted Carter to come play, so we enjoyed donuts and pizza with his family.
You and your buddy since you were babies.
We redid your room this year with Daddy's bunkbed and furniture from when he was a little boy. A couple coats of dark grey paint really transformed it!
We finally painted over the nursery colors on the walls, too.
This is the cleanest your room will ever be, so I had to take a picture. Currently there are a zillion Legos all over the floor.

All boy!
Dancing with sissy.
Dress up time.
And more dress up.
Lego-building at the library.
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