It is easier to take 3 children to the doctor or Busch Gardens than it is to take them to Target or the grocery store.
Children will cry for rice. Seriously. Leila was so upset the other day, and I couldn't figure out why. So after holding her and sitting with her for a while, she finally said it was because she wasn't having rice today. Oh boy. She didn't get rice that day, but we had it the next. I decided since she has left so many other things behind in Niger, having rice almost every day is something we can do. It's a comfort food for her. (I bought a rice maker with some birthday money, and that has been a lifesaver!).
I love summertime for it's freedom from regular schedules, but I dislike the very little alone moments for me it affords. Welcome to motherhood, right?! I don't know how my homeschooling moms do it. I have gotten over my guilt mostly that I don't think I can do that like they can, but really, y'all are amazing. God will have to speak LOUD and clear if homeschooling is in His plans for my family.
Geoff is awesome. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. He treated me to a night away for my birthday with one of my dearest friends, Brandi. It came with a massage and everything. He spoils me and knows what I need before I even recognize it. I'm so thankful for him and love him more than I ever knew I could.
Sometimes we have silent time in the car so that I can have 10 minutes without someone saying, "Momma, I need...", "Momma, look...", "Momma, he/she hit me..." Yet, being a momma and being able to be at home is such a gift I don't take for granted (most of the time).
My heart has room to love 3 children, and it has been faster and easier to love Leila as my daughter than I thought. I have loved her from the beginning of our decision to adopt her 2.5 years ago, but we didn't bond, she didn't "need" me, and we didn't really know one another until our journey started 2 months ago to bring her home. When you have a child with you since infancy, you have time to learn about them, love them, know what they like, etc. before they really understand, can read your emotions, talk, etc. With a 10 year old, she sees, she hears, she's felt abandoned, lost, rejection. I was worried, but God knew. When He put this desire to adopt in Geoff and my hearts, He was sculpting and preparing us to love a child who had endured more heartache, pain and rejection than either of us has. He knew. And I love her so dearly. I love to hold her and pick her up and show her things and say, "this is my daughter, Leila." How awesome is that? What a gift we have been given to be able to adopt this amazing little girl. She is brave, really. She knew 16 months before we picked her up that we were going to adopt her. She could have said, "no thanks." She barely knew us, had NO IDEA what America was like, we were white and white people in Africa don't always have a good reputation, she had heard rumors that were not positive about adoption, and yet, she came. That is courage. Leila has truly embraced her new life. Occasionally, she asks to visit her friends at the orphanage. This is hard. We encourage her to make pictures and talk about things we can send them with the next mission team that goes over, and she seems happy with that idea. Today we picked out some pictures of herself to send over. I wonder if she really understands the magnitude of her being here and them being there. Pray for her and this. It must be hard for her mind to understand the physical distance and the emotional challenges that would come from a visit. We tell her when she's older, she'll be ready, and we will go back to see them.
Here are some pictures from the last few weeks. We are blessed. And for many of you that I owe a phone call or thank you note to, thank you for being patient with me while I try to balance it all. School supplies for 3, school registration for 3, doctor visits for 3, cooking for 3. Oh, did I mention there were now 3?! Oh, you have more than 3 children? Superhero.
Loving on sweet Sadie. Leila will be a wonderful babysitter when she's older.
First visit to the dentist. No cavities=a miracle!!! I have been praying for her teeth since we knew we were going to adopt her because they really looked awful and chewing on sticks was the mode of cleaning (vs. a toothbrush). God answered!
The dentist was able to use some tools they hadn't used in years. Everyone was so excited at the before and after because she had so much tartar and buildup that was visible.
Swimming lessons! Her nickname is Fish because this girl loves to swim.
At the pediatrician's office sporting their t-shirts in support of Caleb (the almost 4 year old son of my cousin and very dear friend, Blair). Leila has gained 6 pounds in 9 weeks, by the way. And this week we see the hematologist about sickle cell anemia next steps.
First and only trip to Busch Gardens this year thanks to a free ticket. Leila LOVED it! How can you not?! We enjoyed being with Kelly and the Klug children, too.
Teacup fun!

Grover rollercoaster - woohoo!
Leila and Mary-Michael have had an immediate connection and affection for one another since the beginning. Frazier has played out the role of annoying little brother, so we have to be more intentional (i.e. forceful) at getting him connected with his sisters. He and Mary-Michael have always gotten along very well, so this has been an adjustment. I have shed a few tears over this, but it is getting better.
Bye-bye Busch Gardens.
Playtime with Nathan and Kaila. The Rivas family moved in to the guesthouse a few weeks after we returned from Niger, and it has been a huge blessing. Not only do we love them as friends, but they were instrumental in making our adoption happen, so we are grateful to be able to give back to them for all they've done for our family. Plus, Leila is very comfortable around them, and they speak French since they lived in Niger for 12+ years.
Juanita and I joined some other friends at the Outcry concert in Northern VA. What a beautiful picture seeing thousands of people worshipping the Lord. LOVE!
Garden bounty! This year we did raised beds with organic mushroom compost, and it has worked! We have had many failed attempts at gardening largely because we can't keep up with the weeds. This year has been awesome!
Tractor fun with Kaila.
Wonderwoman superman? Frazier is wearing a leotard that Grandma made 30+ years ago for Aunt Melissa or Aunt Keesha. It's still intact and well-loved.
Dancing queen! We did school (at home) that day in this amazing outfit.
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