We went to see giraffes in their natural habitat and it was as if God shouted, loud and clear, "See Me in My creation." These creatures were far more magnificent in a giant land mass than in a zoo. It was a long trip, but well worth it for the opportunity to get outside our everyday reality.
We went to see giraffes in their natural habitat and it was as if God shouted, loud and clear, "See Me in My creation." These creatures were far more magnificent in a giant land mass than in a zoo. It was a long trip, but well worth it for the opportunity to get outside our everyday reality.

After a quick lunch and a short shopping experience, we went out to deliver a solar kit to a local church. While there, we were able the share the gospel with 40 neighborhood kids and lead them in a prayer to begin following Christ.
The big tourist event for the day was a camel ride up giant sand dunes but first, a little detour on the way allowed us to walk through the streets of a Nigerien bush village. Words are inadequate to describe what we saw. We experienced an acceptance that seemed to say, "You're not what we thought." We believe they felt the same from us. In the midst of this great poverty, there was a real community where no one seemed to be alone. Every face had a smile, every hand reached out to touch or be touched, and the children followed us all through the village. It was Africa just as one would imagine it. For many on the team, it was the high point of their day.

After the walk, we rode camels through the dunes where we stopped to have a memorial service for Denny Case*. Denny's life had been profoundly impacted by his time spent in Niger on several LINK™ missions. His wife, daughter, and son are part of our team and they brought his ashes with them to spread over the dunes.

It was a beautiful ceremony filled with loving words honoring Denny and worship to our great God. This will be a deeply touching memory to be cherished forever by all of us.

Today began with a visit to a local church, where one of the LINK™ construction missions had built a roof years ago (Raise the Roof). For every previous traveler who said we would be blown away by the worship there, you were absolutely right. Such joy! Such freedom!

After lunch we went to CSEN Orphanage. The children were so happy to see us. We took them out to their property to see the progress on the construction of their new orphanage.

After a quick tour, we held a little kid's camp under a tree on the property. As the story of the little lost sheep was being told, four little shepherd boys came over and sat down to listen. These four boys also prayed with us to become followers of Jesus.

These past couple of days have been a whirlwind! Today we traveled out to the church the men's team had painted last November. The pastor is a wonderful man of God who's got a huge heart for his community. When we found out he had been targeted in the January protests, we knew we had to return to support him. When we arrived, he told us the story of how the demonstrators broke into his home, took all the possessions he had piled into the back corner of the church, and set them ablaze. When the men's team went there to paint in November, it was because he had been firebombed so this was the second time he has lost everything but the walls surrounding him. Still, his faith has not wavered. As we finished painting and began cleaning the equipment, Tommy sensed the Lord was leading him to step out and share the gospel with Ali, a Muslim who has been traveling with us all week to tint our paint. After Ali made a decision to follow Christ, the first words out of his mouth were that we needed to paint the cross on the outside of the church!

A few boys from the community came in and began singing and clapping and reciting John 1:1 (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.) What a cool way to show thanks!

When we were finishing up, our five team members and Ali painted our hands and placed them on the outside of the church. Definitely a high moment for our team.
On our way out to the dunes, we had an opportunity to walk through a village outside of Niamey and see what life is really like for the majority of this country. What a humbling experience.

SUNDAYWe attended church in what used to be an outdoor theater where Tommy, Kennie, and Denny* (see story above) had helped build a roof years ago as part of a LINK™ construction mission. This also happens to be the church where several LINK™ Niger staff attend. Their service is not for the faint of heart. The church prays with great fervency and a conga line even broke out in the middle of the exuberant singing. We happily joined in the ruckus. There are no words to explain the power of worship in a unfamiliar language, in a now familiar country, with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Afterward, we went to CSEN Orphanage. Directors Bernard & Josee and the children are such a joy! They took us to the site of the new orphanage to see the building currently under construction. God is providing a wonderful new home for these precious children and a place for the community to receive support and hear about the love of Jesus.
Our experiences this week have brought us together as family. We have partnered with God in so many amazing ways and He has shown us His majesty and splendor. Our prayer is that our transformation will last and produce fruit for years to come. Niger is not the same and neither are we. We are thankful for your support and prayers and we look forward to being with you all again soon.
Afterward, we went to CSEN Orphanage. Directors Bernard & Josee and the children are such a joy! They took us to the site of the new orphanage to see the building currently under construction. God is providing a wonderful new home for these precious children and a place for the community to receive support and hear about the love of Jesus.

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