You are regularly called Baby Frazier or Frazier-man, which makes me laugh when I think about how different they are. Lately, I've also been calling you Chubs because of your sweet fat rolls. There's not much cuter than a chunky little baby - especially one with a smile like yours. You smile and gurgle at me all the time - especially when you're supposed to be eating. Just in the last few days we've managed to get you to laugh a bit, which we tried to catch on video (below).
You are a busy little baby always kicking your legs, and you love to lay on your playmat and look up at your toys. That keeps you entertained while I'm entertaining your big sister! You haven't showed any signs or interest in rolling over, and I realize I am more okay with those types of things the second go round. I now understand how fast you little ones grow, so I don't want to rush all those milestones that I know you will do in your own time!
I have also realized after talking with some other moms how incredibly blessed I am to have such happy children. Don't get me wrong - you have your moments, but generally, you and your sister both have incredibly positive dispositions. You really don't cry without a good reason though you don't have a lot of patience when it somes to wanting your food. When you want to eat you want it N.O.W.!
You are wearing 3-6 month clothes, and you have a blow out almost once a day. It's a good thing someone invented Oxiclean and that we've been blessed with so many hand-me-downs. It's also a nice thing that I don't have to worry about constipation with you. You are quite regular! (you're going to hate reading this when you're 16)
I continue to be smitten with you, and once you're 10 I'll worry about you being a Momma's boy, but until then, I'll stay wrapped around your little finger (or until you start to show me you have your dad's energy and we have to start disciplining). :)
I love you Frazier-man,

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