Dear Mary-Michael,
"Isn't she lovely...isn't she wonderful?" This is still the song that goes through my head when I think about you. You are such a fun and enthusiastic child, and you really bring all of us an incredible amount of joy. We have really loved watching you grow into a beautiful little girl (it's hard to write girl because you're really not a baby anymore!). And it has been a joy watching you learn to talk and express yourself in these last few months
In general you listen and obey really well, but you are testing us to see what you can and can't get away with, which has resulted in me and your Daddy looking at each other with the question of "What are we supposed to do?!" Right now you get a lot of time outs and hand squeezes if you're really not listening. You are learning your manners and are pretty good with saying "please," "thank you" and "yes/no ma'am" on your own. We are working on "no, thank you" since you prefer to say "I don't want it" or "I don't like it." You say "bless you" to almost anyone who sneezes, including yourself.
You make us laugh daily with your dancing and ramblings about life. While you are talking well, there is still a lot we can't understand, but you know what you're saying and you'll talk and talk and talk with lots of hand motions when you have something to say. We just laugh at you and nod our heads. One day you're going to ask us for a pony, and we'll say yes not realizing what we agreed to!
You really love your baby brother and have surprised us with how well you've taken on the big sister/mommy's helper role. We are so GRATEFUL! You are still learning what gentle means with him, and I have to watch you closely to make sure you don't try and share everything with him (i.e. your sippy cup and goldfish). Speaking of sharing that has been a lesson as of late. Everytime I tell you we're going to play with one of your friends, you say "Share Momma." That's doesn't necessarily mean you practice what you preach, but at least I know you hear what I say.
When you are cranky (because you do get cranky!) we can cheer you up with a trip outside or a trip to the shower or bath with me. I think you'd stay in the shower for an hour if I let you.
Right now you sleep about 11-11.5 hours at night - go to bed at 7:30pm and wake up between 6:30 and 7am, and you take a nap that is anywhere from 1-3 hours long. They vary quite a bit, but I'll take the quietness when I can. You have thrown a few tantrums but nothing too major. You are pretty bossy with the dogs, and you still love to play with them, especially Carla. Sometimes we'll find you rolling around the floor with her like you're a canine yourself.
Your favorite toys are still your books, which makes my nerdy self so incredibly happy. You are definitely enjoying your dolls, too - all of them are named Frazier regardless of their pink clothing. You mimic me by trying to burp them and rock them though they still get thrown and dropped to the ground. Lord help me if you ever get a hold of Frazier (though he's pretty chunky, so I think you'd struggle).
Everyone says it, but it is hard to believe 2 years have already past. We are so proud to be your parents, and we love you.
Momma and Daddy
Pictures from your actual birthday (3/6)

Lilly Kate and Mary-Michael

My precious God daughter, Ann Elise, and my precious son (born just 3 weeks apart).

Christian made yummy birthday cookies!

Chuck E Cheese is like Las Vegas for tots.

High-fiving Uncle Zach after riding a pretend horse.

Attempt at a family photo - M&M was really into her ice cream.