What a wonderful addition you are to our family. I am just so so smitten with you I can't stand it! And everyone else is, too, including your big sister. You have definitely learned her voice, and I find you watching her often when she's close by. She also really makes you smile, which you're doing a lot these days. You have a big toothless grin and often make the sweetest cooing noises while doing it. It truly melts my heart, and I'm trying to store those moments in my heart and mind for a few years from now when you might drive me crazy with your boyish antics. :)
You still get me up once or twice every night, but that is because you are such a growing boy. I can't wait to find out how much you've grown at your appt. this week. You're probably still getting up because I haven't been so good about getting you on a schedule like I was with your sister. Now that your Daddy is home from Africa I am really going to make an attempt for your sake and my own.
You are really an amazingly good baby and really only cry if you're hungry, need to be burped or your paci has fallen out during naptime (so far you don't need the paci at night). You are eating about 7-8 times within a 24 hour period and getting pretty efficient at eating. You used to take a good 30 minutes, and now you take about 15 (on average).
You are pretty much out of 0-3 month clothes and have moved on to 3 month sizes. You have lots of little fat rolls that I find so cute. Let's hope the doctor is ok with them, too!
Thank you for being such a sweet little blessing to us. What a joy you are.

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