Since there is never a dull moment around the Lawrence household, the pigs have provided quite the entertainment since their debut 48 hours ago. For a while we only had 1 pig as the other 3 lept out of the truck and ran off when Geoff attempted to tranfer them to their new pen. I wish I had my video camera to tape Geoff and my dad try and round up and catch 3 very fast little pigs. They were successful with one, but it took several tries, more help and sturdier fencing to round up the other 2, which didn't happen until the next day.
And then of course the surprise of Sonar, our new Australian Blue Heeler. Named to remind us of the late Radar who was also a Heeler, we are excited to have him join the family. He is spending most of his time with Geoff during the week since I knew I couldn't properly train a puppy and take care of two little ones on my own. So far this is working out well.
Here are some pics of the growing Lawrence herd. If you see me running in the streets with a crazed look you'll understand why.

Geoff's Dad, Doug (our farming partner) and Geoff building the pig pen the day we got the pigs...nothing like putting the cart before the horse.

The Lawrence men.

The tiniest Lawrence man and his Grandma.

Safe and sound in their pen.

The 2 larger pigs are for breeding and the smaller ones...well, let's just say they're named Bacon and Porkchop.

Sweet Sonar.
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