Immediately after birth.
Getting his first bath.
Snug and warm.
Getting examined by his big sister.
The big sister herself!
Momma and me (I love how snuggly he is).
Mary-Michael's second visit. She was much more interested and affectionate. What you can't see is her t-shirt that says, "Will trade brother for presents!"
Giving him a squeeze.
Granddad and Frazier.
Uncle Zach and Frazier.
Poppy and Frazier.
Mimi and Frazier.
Momma and Mary-Michael.
Grandma, Grandpa and Frazier.
Our growing family skyping with the aunties in DC and Texas.
Uncle Kam and Frazier.
Nonnie and Frazier.
YAY!!!! Welcome sweet baby boy! We are SO glad you're here. Congratulations, Terra, and Merry Christmas!!