For my poor memory, I have to log the events of this wonderful day somewhere!
Dearest Frazier,
The days leading up to your arrival were LOOOONG. I wanted you to enter this world so badly for many reasons – most of them selfish! I wanted to be done with work, so I decided (actually your Daddy made me) to declare the week before you arrived my last week even if you didn’t come until a week or two later. I wanted to be at home on Christmas and not in the hospital. I wanted to stop getting up so much to pee in the middle of the night even though I knew those moments would be filled with other sleep-interrupted periods to feed and take care of you. But what a much better trade off! And the practical financial-mindedness of your Daddy wanted to make sure you were here before the end of the year for tax purposes. It’s true! However, amidst all of this, we also couldn’t wait to lay eyes on you. We wondered what you would look like, the color of your hair or would you even have hair? What color were your eyes? How big? How long? Would you nurse well? Cry a lot? So many questions we had and couldn’t wait to get answered.
We had several false alarms because I had contractions on and off weeks before you arrived. When each one turned out to be a false alarm my belief that you were never going to come out increased tenfold! But alas you did. The day you arrived I had planned to drop your sister off at Nonnie’s so that I could run a few errands and make sure the house was stocked for Christmas. I had completed Christmas shopping super early thinking that would show God I was ready for you to come anytime (ahem…early). But really, God had it all worked out and knew you would arrive just in time. Right after your Daddy left for work I started feeling some contractions. They didn’t feel much different than my false alarms sessions, so I tried not to think about it too much though in the back of my mind I hoped against hope it was the day! Dr. Powers (my OB) was on call that day and so was Susie (April’s mom). Plus it was right before Christmas, and you weren’t due until 12/26, so my prayer for you arriving early would be fulfilled.
We were having some land cleared that week for pastures, so there were lots of burly men and “big tractors” as your sister called them throughout the property. Around 9am I was still having contractions but decided to head in to town and attempt to run errands or at least be closer to the hospital if it was actually time. I put my hospital stuff and your sister in the car. I hadn’t been able to get in touch with your Daddy that morning, but as I was driving down the driveway he was coming the opposite way to check on the land clearing. It was perfect! We stopped, and I told him I was having contractions, so we decided to return to the house to wait it out a bit and pass the time. We didn’t wait long because the contractions started coming more quickly. We headed to your Nonnie’s house less than an hour later, and by the time we arrived the contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart and started to feel more than just uncomfortable. Your Daddy called the hospital and was literally transferred to at least 5 different people before he talked with someone who knew what to tell us! Eventually he was told the Labor and Delivery (L&D) unit was full, so they may have to send me somewhere else. Dr. Powers came to the rescue! She insisted I was not going to deliver anywhere but there, and they would make room for me.
So, we went to the OB office (VA Women’s Center), and they found I was 4 cm dilated. You were on your way! They gave me the option of being wheeled to L&D or to just walk over. I chose to walk not to prove anything, but because I hoped walking would keep things moving along quickly. I’m not sure if it was the walking or just nature, but by the time I settled into the bed I was 8 cm. You were on your way quickly!
Then came a moment of decision – epidural or not? I was in a lot of pain at that point. When Dr. Powers asked me what I wanted to do I looked to your Daddy who just said, “I don’t know, but if I were you I think I’d get the epidural.” I asked her to come back in a few minutes so I could think about it. I really wanted to experience birth without meds, and maybe one day I will, but that day was not the day. After having the epidural with your sister I knew how pleasant it made things, so I decided to do it again with you. Of course by the time I made the decision it felt like days before that anesthesiologist showed up! He did come, of course, and had to come back again because it didn’t work immediately. I had one side where I was still feeling a lot, but he was able to fix that up with a little more meds.
Shortly after that amazing relief, it was time to push! Dr. Powers and some amazing nurses (including Susie) coached me through one contraction and a few pushes and out you came. It was so fast! You were (and still are) so precious. While lying on my chest you had a quick cleaning and then immediately started to breastfeed. I love that God created such a natural and beautiful thing – that you knew immediately what to do after only a few minutes in this world and that I could provide just what you needed for nourishment. How awesome.
Your Daddy and I had your first hour of life in our world all to ourselves, and then we let the visitors come in to meet you! It was an amazing day and a wonderful birth experience for me. We were able to return home on 12/23 – just in time to enjoy Christmas at home. What a blessing you are dear Frazier!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Welcome to the World Baby Boy!
Our sweet Frazier John Lawrence was born on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 at 2:17pm. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. (exact same weight as his older sister) and measured 19 1/4 inches long. We are waiting to go home from the hospital now and will share more details later. Here are a ton of pictures of our newest addition - we are definitely smitten.

Immediately after birth.

Getting his first bath.

Snug and warm.

Getting examined by his big sister.

The big sister herself!

Momma and me (I love how snuggly he is).

Mary-Michael's second visit. She was much more interested and affectionate. What you can't see is her t-shirt that says, "Will trade brother for presents!"

Giving him a squeeze.

Granddad and Frazier.

Uncle Zach and Frazier.

Poppy and Frazier.

Mimi and Frazier.

Momma and Mary-Michael.

Grandma, Grandpa and Frazier.

Our growing family skyping with the aunties in DC and Texas.

Uncle Kam and Frazier.

Nonnie and Frazier.
Immediately after birth.
Getting his first bath.
Snug and warm.
Getting examined by his big sister.
The big sister herself!
Momma and me (I love how snuggly he is).
Mary-Michael's second visit. She was much more interested and affectionate. What you can't see is her t-shirt that says, "Will trade brother for presents!"
Giving him a squeeze.
Granddad and Frazier.
Uncle Zach and Frazier.
Poppy and Frazier.
Mimi and Frazier.
Momma and Mary-Michael.
Grandma, Grandpa and Frazier.
Our growing family skyping with the aunties in DC and Texas.
Uncle Kam and Frazier.
Nonnie and Frazier.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
A Visit with Santa in Pictures

This Santaland is FUN!

Hmm, so that's the big man in the furry red suit. I'm not so sure about this place.

Please don't make me go. I'm not letting go, Daddy!

The attempted handoff.

Look at the camera. I'm not that scary, I promise. (Am I a mean momma for laughing every time I look at this picture?!)

Come on Daddy. Please save me from this scary man!

Ok, I'll get close to you as long as Daddy's holding me, but I'm not going to smile. That would be too nice and y'all are mean for making me do this.

Yep, still not smiling. Not after that torture.
Christmas Fun
We have had a lot of fun these last few weekends in December with Christmas parties, dinners and quality time with people we love. Oh, and did I mention way. too. much. food? Good Lord, I have taken advantage of being pregnant and the fact that I can't enjoy a glass of wine or two is certainly made up for in the amount of sugar I've consumed. Here are some fun pictures from some recent outings.

The gentlemen who took their wives out to a fancy dinner at Ruth Chris. These guys are reading Bringing Up Girls together (all are fathers of young daughters) and wanted to take their brides out to practice etiquette. One day they will take their daughters so that they understand the importance of being treated like a lady. It was a really special evening.

Lighting wasn't great (low lighting creates that romantic ambiance, right?!), but here's Geoff and I at Ruth Chris. It was such a delicious meal (and the next night we went to Maggiano's for Geoff's company Christmas dinner - did I mention I was up 3 pounds at my doctor's appointment the next week?)

My monthly dinner club girls and our significant others.

The women's ministry leadership team I am so blessed to be a part of. We had our Christmas dinner at our house again this year!

Celebrating with long-time family friends (also known as the Desperate Women).

The Desperate Petites (children of the Desperate Women).

The Desperate Petites plus significant others and the Grand Petite (Mary-Michael).
The gentlemen who took their wives out to a fancy dinner at Ruth Chris. These guys are reading Bringing Up Girls together (all are fathers of young daughters) and wanted to take their brides out to practice etiquette. One day they will take their daughters so that they understand the importance of being treated like a lady. It was a really special evening.
Lighting wasn't great (low lighting creates that romantic ambiance, right?!), but here's Geoff and I at Ruth Chris. It was such a delicious meal (and the next night we went to Maggiano's for Geoff's company Christmas dinner - did I mention I was up 3 pounds at my doctor's appointment the next week?)

My monthly dinner club girls and our significant others.

The women's ministry leadership team I am so blessed to be a part of. We had our Christmas dinner at our house again this year!

Celebrating with long-time family friends (also known as the Desperate Women).

The Desperate Petites (children of the Desperate Women).

The Desperate Petites plus significant others and the Grand Petite (Mary-Michael).
Monday, December 12, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
37 Weeks
Well, our sweet boy turned himself back around, and he is now head down and pretty far down, so the doctor is hoping he won't turn again. We also found out in the ultrasound that he is a BIG BOY! Now, ultrasounds aren't completely accurate, but according to measurements he's a little over 8 lbs (and I still have 3 weeks to go), and in the 95th percentile. Oh boy. Of course, this news made my athletic husband very excited (he's dreaming of a future linebacker) whereas all I could think about was the pain in having to push this large baby out! I have dilated 2 cm, and if I don't go into labor in the next 2 weeks, we'll do another ultrasound to check his size. If he is close to 10 lbs. they'll want to induce me that day. So, while I have been less than patient with this last trimester, it seems as though he will be here soon, and I don't even have my hospital bag packed!
Despite his potential size, we are so excited that he is growing and healthy, and it was so nice to get a sneak peek of him shortly before he makes his grand entrance. Baby Frazier, we can't wait to meet you!
Despite his potential size, we are so excited that he is growing and healthy, and it was so nice to get a sneak peek of him shortly before he makes his grand entrance. Baby Frazier, we can't wait to meet you!
Friday, December 2, 2011
An Amazing Gift
My already too generous husband surprised me last night with my Christmas present just a bit early. He had the picture he took of me and Mary-Michael at the beach this summer turned into a beautiful oil painting. With a connection through his business partner's wife, Claiborne Gregory painted this wonderful gift. I cried when I saw it - I love it so much.

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