We enjoyed our annual Thanksgiving trip to Northern Virginia this year where we get to see some Texas and Maryland family. I love getting Mary-Michael together with her cousins, and I think she particularly enjoyed her time this year now that she can play, run and interact more. She rarely had a moment alone and was quite spoiled! I got to do my annual Black Friday shopping and scored some really good deals. My devoted husband came with me again - the first words out of his mouth when I woke him up before dawn were "This is true love." Yes, honey it is. Regardless of the time of day, I'm grateful to have some uninterrupted time with him especially before baby #2 arrives. And of course, we spent a lot of time watching football as the Cowboys, Hokies and Cavaliers all played. You will notice Mary-Michael sporting her gear though I found out too late her UVA attire was too small so we had to go to second best - Virginia Tech. And Tech ended up beating UVA (ok, more like killing UVA), so she had the right outfit on at least for that day. Sorry Wahoo friends.
Here are some pictures from our very fun long weekend.

Testing out my cousin's boots! Makenzie was a huge help during our trip to Alexandria - she always made sure M&M had someone to play with.

Enjoying the nice weather outside. "Outside" has quickly become one of Mary-Michael's favorite words, which I think is great (except for rainy days)!

Family photo - Gooooo Cowboys!

Grandma and the grandkids.

The Lawrence's.

The Lawrence's and the McCann's (family from Grandma's side that come to us every year for Thanksgiving).

Makenzie being a great cousin and reading to M&M.

More time outside (yes, I know this girl needs a haircut)!

In front of the Washington Monument on a beautiful Saturday.

The cousins taking a stroll through DC where we went on Saturday to visit and take pictures.

The cousins again - so sweet.

Daddy/Uncle Geoff and the wee ones.
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