Keesha and I in sunny Puerto Rico (very beautiful and fun place if you've never been!).
So far we've planted seeds for onions, shallots, leeks, turnips, radishes, beets, spinach, mustard greens, carrots, kale, collard greens, sugar snap peas, regular shelled peas and probably some other things I can't remember!
At her one-year check-up Mary-Michael weighed 19 lbs, 14.5 oz. and was 29 inches long.
They are getting SO big!
Mary-Michael and her buddy, Paden, at the first softball tournament of the year.
On a whim Geoff thought he'd see how M&M did feeding herself, and she did great for the first time though she didn't quite get the scooping concept, so eating this entire bowl of applesauce with just dipping the spoon would take quite a long time!
The women's council I'm blessed to be a part of put on a very sucessful women's retreat this past weekend. We served about 130 women, and had a table decorating contest. Emily and I joined up to decorate this table, and we won thanks to her creativity - notice the real goldfish in the vases!
And now it's off to Alexandria to prepare, feast and celebrate Aunt Keesha and Uncle Brian's wedding!