You are truly becoming a little girl. It's both exciting and a bit sad for us to see you growing up so quickly, but we are loving every moment with you...ok, maybe not when you're screaming in the car seat, but everything else, we love.
Here's what you're up to these days:
-You love your pink blanket from the Rose's - it rides in the car and you rub it against your face and put your thumb in your mouth even if you're not sleepy. You look so sweet.
-If we're eating, you want to be eating, too, which essentially means you are trying all sorts of foods because it's not always time for you to have a meal, so you eat what we eat.
-When you are supposed to be eating, you throw your food and sippy cup when you don't want anymore, but for the most part you're a pretty good eater.
-Not much makes you happier than animals, especially Radar, Carla and the cats at anyone's house you visit. Daddy is so excited to get you baby chicks for your first birthday. In fact, he's outside working on your coop right now.
-You are extremely ticklish, and since we love to hear you laugh we often tickle you to the point of annoyance (for you, not us).
-You are saying mama and dada, and I think starting to mean it (vs. the babbling you were doing a month ago).
-You give big, wet kisses and clap often with a big grin on your face.
-You are starting to dance with your new musical toys from Christsmas (and by dance I mean bop up and down and shake from side to side)
-Lately, we'll catch you standing without holding on to anything, but only for a moment.
-And finally, you despise the car seat. As soon as we put you in it, you arch your back and cry, which only gets worse as we try and strap you in. So, I load the console with toys, puffs and a sippy cup to hand you throughout the car ride. Typically, these don't last long because they're thrown, so then you just cry. It's a lot of fun.
It's hard to believe it's time for me to think about your first birthday. I really can't believe it's only 2 months away. Please stop growing so fast baby girl.
We love you so very much,

Watching Daddy build her chicken coop.

If you look really, really hard you can see the two bottom teeth.
She's so beautiful, Terra! Would love to hear more about the chickens too...