Our story of life as we journey through parenthood.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The First Professional Photo Session
So, I went in planning to only buy the $9.95 package, but of course, it seemed ALL the pictures were cute, so I came out with much more than I'd planned and spent way more than I'd planned. But I think the final results were totally worth it...
(these are the original photos before we cropped out the hands out to catch her and other random stuff!)
We are a blessed family of six with 2 sweet girls and 2 precious boys! We have a heart for the fatherless (our oldest came to our family through an almost 2.5 year adoption journey and our youngest was adopted at birth) as truly we are all orphans until we discover the grace-filled and deeper than deep love that only our Heavenly Father gives. He's so good to love us in all our brokenness! Our non-human family members include 2 dogs, 1 cat, 20 or so chickens, bee hives, and 3 cows. We believe that with Jesus all things are possible, so we dare to dream and live out our dreams. We all have a story - this is ours.
What a beautiful girl... just like her Momma!