Say it isn't so?! You cannot be six months old already - that is half of a year and that is just too fast! This weekend we've been working to heal your first bout with a bug that has given you a yucky cold and a bad rash. But you are rallying and pushing through. We stayed around the house for most of your first Labor Day weekend to let you rest. Normally, you are a very busy girl and not just because you've joined a pretty busy family but because you have to be moving all the time. You are your daddy - moving a mile a minute! And you can't miss a thing. You hate to be held on our shoulder like most babies. You have to face forward so you can see things. And any thought of you sitting on the couch for a snuggle has gone out the window for now - you want to roll on the floor, play in your exersaucer, be pushed for a stroll, stand up (with help, of course!) or anything else but sit.
And there have been times lately that I have to go to your room with no lights and no noise just so you will nurse. And speaking of nursing - you are not amused when momma tries to talk to someone else when you're nursing. You snap your head around and stare at the person speaking as if to say, 'Excuse me, this is MY time with MY momma, and I'd appreciate it if you'd let us have our moment.' It's pretty cute, I must say.
But really, sweet girl, we love watching your personality come out. Your Daddy has said a few times lately, "She's becoming a little girl!" People that know you and those that don't often say "Is she always this happy? She smiles all the time." And it's true, you are a happy baby, and your smile is infectious.
Here are some other things you're up to lately:
-you are pulling hair, pulling glasses, grabbing for cups and anything else within your reach
-you are sitting up for a few seconds on your own and then toppling over, but we're getting there!
-you are giggling more and more, and I'm pretty sure it's one of the best sounds I've ever heard
-you are eating solids every day - so far you've had rice cereal, applesauce, peaches, bananas and zucchini - you've eaten them all though I think peaches were your least favorite
-you are wearing size 3, 3-6 month and a few 6 month clothes, but you still have dainty feet - such a little lady!
And I think you know, but in case you forgot, you are so loved. Your daddy and I feel so blessed to call you our daughter. We love you.
Momma and Daddy
Oh my gosh! Look at her I love her! I want this picture!