We arrived home in time to unpack the car and then Grandma and Papa George arrived from Alexandria for the weekend. The pastor and his wife who are renting our guest house purchased land right down the road, so Geoff planned to help clear their road and homesite. His dad came down to help and Grandma came down to help me out and spend time with Mary-Michael.
On Saturday, we picked up pizza for the guys and then headed out to run a few errands, including visiting and taking food to my dear friend April who is on bedrest until her baby boy (Emmit Joel) makes his entrance. She was in the hospital for over a week and is very glad to be out, so that she can be with her 2 girls. Other than flipping from side to side (like a rotisserie her husband says), she can't do much, but it's keeping her baby (and her) safe and healthy, which is the most important thing. It will be so fun for us to have babies so close in age!
Once the guys were finished working we headed to TGIFriday's for dinner. Mary-Michael slept for the most part, and momma was very glad to not have to cook dinner.
And today, Grandma and Papa George were very kind to let Geoff and I go out on a breakfast date (to Cracker Barrel!) and have a few moments to visit our friends Amber and Curtis who's baby recently had surgery. It was nice to get out for a bit, and we are very grateful!
Yesterday, miss M&M was 5 weeks old. Amazing! She is becoming more aware of us every day. Here's a picture of her in her swing - she loves to stare at the ducks. We are so proud - really, we are. It's the little things that amaze us these days!
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