Friday, March 7, 2025

You are Fifteen Going on Seventeen...


Our first! The one we saw walk first, heard talk first, who first called us mama and daddy. Wow! It is hard to believe that 15 years ago I became a mother for the first time. The fear and joy that enveloped me as we left that hospital room and ventured home with no clue of what we were doing still feels quite real. Possibly because each season has its own newness and brings its own new set of fears and joys. That is the story of parenting!

What I want you to hear from us first is that we are so proud of you. You have become this amazing, beautiful, young woman with such a wonderful personality. You are strong. You are funny. You are quick with words (sometimes too quick, but that's for another day). You are a connector. You love fiercely. You are passionate. You are smart, and you make us proud. 

You have thrived in your first year of high school. You and (me) are so glad to have the middle school drama behind us. That was exhausting, but boy, did we learn some things! You have a solid, large friend group, and I see how you cross bridges and connect groups so naturally. Playing varsity volleyball has been a huge part of your freshmen year, and you can't wait to get back on the court. In the meantime, we are enjoying working out together a few times a week to stay in shape. I love these times with you. 

2025 is the year you took on the dishes. This had been Leila's chore for a while, and then we did a big switch as the new year turned. And then the dishwasher broke. And it's still broken. So, you're getting way more practice than you had hoped in learning how to properly hand wash dishes. Sorry, honey. 

You are my girly girl through and through. You love trying new make-up products, testing out new hairstyles, new ways to curl your hair, and making sure the rest of the family is dressed fashionably. You are the one we come to when we're unsure about an outfit choice, and you have no issues telling us what you really think and offer an alternative. I am grateful for this! We have been sharing clothes for quite some time now though you outgrew me in the shoe department a while back. You and Frazier frequently swap shoes and school spirit wear, which works out about 50% of the time. We haven't decided if the sharing is worth the arguments that inevitable ensure when something gets lost, stained or left somewhere. 

I enjoy our one-on-one time together. You have so much to share, and I'm grateful you tell me what's happening in your life - from boys (no dating yet), to friends, to what you took notes on in youth group and what crazy thing happened at school today. I usually end up laughing or slightly concerned about the world we're trying to raise you in, but God knew, and He's got you. 

As you look ahead to getting your learner's permit, to prom, to considering college, we will continue to treasure our time with you. The years are short - this is so true. We love you.


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Happy 7th Birthday, Benaiah!

Mr. Benaiah,

What can we say about you, little man? You are a treasure mixed with a little sass and independence. Boy, do you know that you are the baby of the family! You are quick to remind us, but in so many ways your young self keeps us all on the floor playing Legos, racing for a quick sprint to see who's the fastest, and reading books from our own younger years. I am so grateful for that. 

You have blossomed into a little reader, and it is so fun to watch you grow as a first grader. Whenever I run into parents at your school or at a classmate's birthday party I am told, "oh, we hear all about Benaiah at home". And they ensure me that it is all good things. You are such a big friend with a big heart! Your favorite subjects are math and science, and you are often eager to tell us all you're learning in science. You have a great curiosity for the world around you. 

You still sit in Daddy's lap in the wee hours of the morning as you are a natural early riser. You love playing Legos, building forts, practicing baseball and riding on your electric dirt bike. In this last year, you have learned how to operate Daddy's excavator. On. Your. Own. It's really quite incredible (and scary from a mom's perspective). If Daddy's around, you're typically within 10 feet of him. There's no doubt in any one's mind that he is your favorite, and we (I) have embraced that. He's a pretty great guy if I must say so myself. 

You are in a funny season of being easily embarrassed and worried about what others might think. I really hope it is just that - a season - and not something that you carry around for the rest of your life. It's not worth it, buddy. You are great, and you will make mistakes, but you are loved by many and most importantly, by God. Fear (respect/revere) Him, not men. 

This year I've been able to connect with your birth mother more, and I'm so thankful for that. She is a lovely person, and she really loves you and cares for your well-being. I know one day you'll get to meet her and experience that for yourself. In the meantime, Daddy and I will continue to be available to her and ready to connect as she opens the door. 

We love you, buddy, and the fact that we get to be your parents and watch you grow into such an amazing young man is a joy and a privilege. 



Sunday, February 2, 2025

Leila Turns 20!

Leila! Twenty, I cannot believe it! You’ve now been with us almost half your life, and the Lord has done a great work in you during that time. You’ve persevered through so many challenges, you’ve learned so much academically, socially and even physically. You are becoming the young woman God created when He formed you in your birth mother’s womb, and we are the blessed ones who get to journey alongside you every day.

This past year you’ve entered your junior year of high school, which has included the Culinary program at Hanover’s Trade School. You have really enjoyed it, and we have, too! A few times a week you bring home your creations, which has included cookies, pie, chicken and rice, spaghetti and meatballs, biscuits and macaroni and cheese. You’re also participating in NJROTC for the second year, which we think has been really good for you. You, however, are not too keen on learning about past wars and pushing your body to the limits. Alas, this will be your final year in the program.

When you’re not focused on academics, you LOVE church. You’ve continued to enjoy serving on the worship team for MCC YTH, serving in MCCKids and hanging out with the babies and toddlers. We’re very proud of your heart to serve and love others through your relationship with Jesus.

You’ve made and kept some solid girlfriends who love you and share your faith in Jesus. This is such an answer to prayer because we know the power of friendship! You enjoyed a birthday sleepover with a handful of them complete with time in the hot tub, everyone’s favorite snacks, and a few good chick flicks. 

Rice is and will probably always be your favorite thing to eat followed closely by Old Bay Seasoning, which I’m convinced you’d put on a cookie if we let you. You’ve taken up an interest in exercising, and that’s been really good for you and helped you get into a good morning routine. Driving continues to be a top goal for you (and us!), but you haven’t been able to conquer the written test yet. We will try again this summer. Your biggest concern is achieving this milestone before your little sister, which I get. I hope you will, too!!

Sometimes your future feels uncertain to both you and us, but we know each person is on their own journey and our timeframes are not always the world’s or our own. We can trust God in the process and work hard as if it depends on us. Together, we will watch you thrive and never forget all you’ve overcome.

We love you, 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Happy 13th Birthday, Mr. Frazier!

Dearest Frazier,

What a fine young man you are! Full of chivalry, tenderness and an eye for needs around you, you love big and are loved by many. Amidst it all, you know how to have fun and make others laugh. 

Recently, an acquaintance texted me and said, “I was at a birthday party this weekend talking with another mom who has a 7th grade boy. She was talking about how the boys in that class are a tough group and she’s not a fan of her son’s friend choices, but then she said, “Except for Frazier Lawrence. He’s such a great kid and I WANT my son hanging around him!” I am often told how helpful and kind you are. In fact you’re receiving an award in just a few weeks for the 2nd year in a row at your school recognizing your good character. So proud of you!!

You continue to be a lover of the outdoors, air soft guns, building and creating, and hats and knives. Should the apocalypse come, all our faces will be shielded from the sun, and we will be protected. 

For your 13th birthday, we took 4 of your school friends and 3 of your church/family friends to Compass Entertainment for go-karts, batting cage, adventure course and arcade fun. We all but took over the place and were highly entertained by the shenanigans of 8 adolescent boys. We celebrated the next day with family, and you were generous with your thanks throughout the whole weekend. You have a keen sense of what others do and how they contribute to help you, and you’re so good about verbalizing your gratitude.

You have surprised me in a great way with how you’ve taken ownership of your academics. Your grades are great, and you hardly need help to stay on top of your assignments. We are really proud of you.

Swimming was the sport you hated and learned to like (mostly) this year, and baseball continues to be your favorite. You enjoy serving in Kids Church any Sunday you can though I’m certain you’re having more fun than serving, but perhaps you’re just having fun while serving. Let’s hope so!!

You are my sweet-tooth buddy always ready to sneak a spoonful of cookie dough or taste a new creation. Oreo truffles anyone? We had a dessert charcuterie board for your birthday, so everyone had something they liked.

It’s so fun being your momma, and I delight at the ways I see your Daddy shine through you as an up and coming gentleman knowing his role as a protector, provider and the entertainer! 

I love you, buddy!


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Kallie (September 10, 2005 - December 19, 2024)

We lost our beautiful niece, Kallie Sue Glass, on December 19th. Born on the day of our wedding, I’ll never forget the call while we were preparing for the big celebration. Though my brother, Drew, took his family all over with the Air Force, we always enjoyed when we could be together. She was bright - in beauty, in intelligence, in the way she reflected her faith through loving and really “seeing” others. 

I’m thankful for the family memory we share of visiting Kallie and family in Japan for 2 weeks. There are very few families we’d spend 2 whole weeks with 24/7, and without a doubt, we knew we’d enjoy our time with them. From singing Frozen II theme songs to monkeys on shoulders and wearing a mask in Tokyo Disney before that was even a thing, boy, did we make some memories.

And this Thanksgiving, I thank the Lord for his goodness and his nudges getting their family up to VA from TX. We didn’t know it would be our last time with her, and many times we never do. I’ve been soberly reminded to never take those moments for granted and to cherish relationships deeply. In the end, the legacy we leave is in people. Kallie, though your years were too few, you leave a beautiful legacy. 

Live Big
Love Big
Worship Big

Friday, September 6, 2024

TDT and 19 Years

Frazier: So, Mary-Michael, what’s it (TDT) going to be like tonight?
MM: Frazier, don’t be shy, but don’t be annoying. Talk to the girls you dance with and ask them questions, but not weird ones like “What color is your toothbrush?” If they give you short answers, it means they don’t want to talk, so don’t keep asking questions. Just dance.
Frazier: Ok, will there be food?
MM: Yes, but not til close to 9. Frazier, we might get to dance together tonight! I’m so excited!
Mom: (wide eyes and a smile)

Tonight, we are celebrating our 19th wedding anniversary (a few days early because we’ll be at a volleyball game on the 10th). Geoff, there’s no one else I’d rather walk through all of life’s joys and challenges with. Our marriage is a gift from the Lord, and I’m thankful for it everyday. You are a man of chivalry, strength and deep love for me and those who are blessed to know you. I love you so much.