Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Papers Signed!!

We are pumped and praising God in this house right now! We are one step closer to our sweet girl coming home! Pouhin signed the unconditional discharge today, which basically relinquishes his rights as Leila's guardian. This is the paper we have been WAITING for what seems like forever for him to sign. So, now it's our turn to sign! We had initially thought Geoff would go over and sign, but since he's already taking some time off, and I already have a visa (from my February trip) and getting one can take a month or so to get especially this time of year (busy travel season), I will be Niger-bound for the second time this year. Woohoo! We were able to line it up pretty well with the kids' Myrtle Beach trip with Grandma and Grandpa, and Nonnie is filling in the gaps. Grandparents are awesome. 

I won't have to travel alone as I'll head over with the Summer Team on July 24th and return with our friends that are over there for 6 weeks (the Woods) on the 29th. This makes my husband happy and will certainly be more fun for me! Wow, I just can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank YOU for praying with us. We aren't there yet, but we are certainly closer.