The gentlemen who took their wives out to a fancy dinner at Ruth Chris. These guys are reading Bringing Up Girls together (all are fathers of young daughters) and wanted to take their brides out to practice etiquette. One day they will take their daughters so that they understand the importance of being treated like a lady. It was a really special evening.
Lighting wasn't great (low lighting creates that romantic ambiance, right?!), but here's Geoff and I at Ruth Chris. It was such a delicious meal (and the next night we went to Maggiano's for Geoff's company Christmas dinner - did I mention I was up 3 pounds at my doctor's appointment the next week?)

My monthly dinner club girls and our significant others.

The women's ministry leadership team I am so blessed to be a part of. We had our Christmas dinner at our house again this year!

Celebrating with long-time family friends (also known as the Desperate Women).

The Desperate Petites (children of the Desperate Women).

The Desperate Petites plus significant others and the Grand Petite (Mary-Michael).
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