All of our husbands should have taken our wallets before we left home.

At Rusty Scupper - mmm, very yummy crab cakes here!
It seems silly and pretentious but traveling for work always makes me feel kind of important (just trying to be honest). I was not going to a big conference as the key note speaker or even to speak on a panel. No, I was just heading to the central office to train my new employee - important for me and my team, but in the grand scheme of the professional world it's not exactly important. I think it's the fact that I head to the place where businessmen (and women!) make big deals, settle important cases and do things that impact our global economy - New York! New York just feels so special, big and well, important! Probably because it's so very different from my life at home in the country.
And I'll admit I get a small thrill out of buying a coffee at Dunkin Donuts (and maybe a donut with sprinkles) or ordering an appetizer because it sounds good - things I wouldn't normally do if I were footing the bill (you may call me cheap, but I like to call it frugal, and I'll thank my mother for that).
I typically dread the trips beforehand because I really don't like leaving Geoff and Mary-Michael. I know it's healthy to have a break now and then, but it feels like Mary-Michael is doing something new everyday, and I hate to miss it! I hear it only gets harder once they can talk and tell you how they feel about you leaving... But thankfully, I always leave her in good hands with Daddy and Grandma, and I'm grateful that they each get some alone time with her.
When I do finally arrive I am usually completely focused on work, so it's a good time to catch up and spend time in person with some of the folks I work with every day. Despite the foot of snow that fell while there that altered my travel plans a bit, it was a really successful and fruitful trip. But boy am I glad to be home. How can you not be when you have these amazing people to return home to?!

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