M&M can now clap! She even clapped with us during worship in church yesterday - it was really sweet.

Catching some air with Daddy.

Time with Uncle Zach who moves to Phoenix, AZ in less than 2 weeks. We are sad but excited for his new adventure with his girlfriend, Skylar.

Adult Night Out! We enjoyed a scrumptious dinner in Williamsburg with some of our favorite friends.

Renee excited about her massive piece of carrot cake while stunned husband looks on...only the pregnant lady would order 2 appetizers, an entree and a dessert this big.

Full and happy!

The boys.

Opening presents with our friend Lilly Kate after a yummy brunch.

Mary-Michael listening and watching her older and wiser friend.

Two new things happening here - Mary-Michael is doing "pig face" and eating Cheerios out of a bowl on the floor...this is to prevent her from eating the dog food in the background...which has already happened once!

The annual Christmas gathering of the Desperate Women (aka family friends who've been there since before I was born!)

Mary-Michael with sweet Kacie.

Mary-Michael with her grand Godmother, Meg (one of my wonderful Godmother's!)
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