You continue to rock our world and you really are such a blessing to us and so many friends and family that love you. You wouldn't believe all the people that came to cheer you on for your baby dedication this morning. Wow, we are lucky (ok, I really don't believe in luck, so really were just blessed!) to have such support.
You did really well up on stage in front of hundreds of people and wore a dress that one of my Godmother's daughters wore when she was a little one (Thank you Susie and Sarah!). You looked very sweet. After Momma and Daddy committed to raising you in a Christian home, encouraging God's purposes in your life and teaching you about our Lord and Savior, Pastor Carter spoke of hope, and he prayed a special prayer of hope over you with so many friends and family standing around you. As Nonnie and Grandad said in their card, "Jesus said 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Amen to that. It was a really special day.
As Momma is journeying through this life of faith (the joys and the challenges), I am often struck by how much I want you to know that you are special and uniquely created for a purposes. I want you to love yourself just the way you are and know that your personality, circumstances and appearance were well thought out and from your Creator. I know there will be times (i.e. middle school and high school) when you don't like your hair, your clothes, your parents, etc., but I hope your daddy and I can minimize those times by teaching you to believe in yourself, wonder and learn about our great big God and dream big dreams. You are an unbelievable little girl!
Lately, you are into everything! You are crawling, pulling up, walking while holding onto the couch or the coffee table, and last night I bought you a toy to walk behind. I'm still not sure that's a good idea because I'm encouraging this whole walking thing and you're only 8 months. I know once you start you won't stop! Your daddy said to me last night while you were nursing and hitting my chest, pulling my necklace, scratching my arm... "she doesn't stop moving, does she?" Hello??! Haven't I said all along she is exactly like you!
You are eating all kinds of things, and a few things you're not supposed to be eating when I'm not looking. Papa George gave you some brownie this really liked it, naturally. I love chocolate, too. You are eating Cheerios and bites of what Momma and Daddy eat for dinner, but for the most part you're still eating lots of cereal, fruit and pureed veggies. You are not a fan of green vegetables. A book I have says it takes up to 10 tries for a baby to figure out of she/he likes a food. We're getting close to, we'll see.
Green veggies or not, your Daddy and I are smitten with you. We love you baby girl.
The children's corner at Sunday lunch.
You in your pretty dress.
You and your brownie-giving grandpa.
Carla and something to chew on - what more could a girl want!?
You and your friend, Sherry Lee.
Your new walking toy.
(more pics to come from the dedication once I collect them from friends and family)
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