Thanks to some very generous friends, we enjoyed a week in the mountains of Pennsylvania in a river house on the Juniata River. We had been here before, so it was a bit like coming home. We relished a place where there was no Internet connection or cell service. What a treat in this highly connected world! Dad and Beth joined us for the first few days as we had a long overdue trip from the prior year that had been canceled when my Nana passed away.
We enjoyed slow walks on the gravel road, snow flurries, campfires by the river and impromptu frisbee and football passing. A lot of books were read and several movies were watched. We ate well and snacked well. Geoff and I enjoyed a few runs in the morning, and our family of six hiked the 1000 Steps trail two times while there. The first time around was a bit rocky, so we had a redemption moment, which is why we ended up doing it twice.
We visited a nearby town called Belleville where the Amish and Mennonite communities thrive. We bought all sorts of goodies at the Amish country market, and enjoyed hotdogs and ice cream from a small food stand.
We wrapped up the trip with a detour to the Lancaster, PA area. We visited the Sight and Sound Theater and thoroughly enjoyed the production on David, a man after God’s own heart. It was so well done and such a reminder that even in our flawed human lives, God can use us to do mighty things for His glory.

We wrapped up spring break with a few fire pit moments in the backyard, a day trip to Northern Virginia to celebrate Easter with the Lawrences, and a very special dinner with our friends Juda and Banzai. Banzai recently returned from serving in the Ukraine with Samaritan’s Purse. We were happy to have him back safely and to hear about his time there. Please continue to pray and support Ukraine.