Sunday, June 13, 2021

Winshape Camp 2021

We travelled through 5 states (we detoured to visit Uncle Kam and Aunt Hailey on the way down) to deliver the big kids to Winshape Camp in Mt. Berry, GA. We have heard incredible stories about the camp from our Chick-fil-a friends over the years, and the camp definitely did not disappoint. They had an amazing week making new friends, trying so many new skills and activities and learning how Jesus is woven into the fun, the friends and their lives. He writes the best stories after all! As parents, we were thoroughly impressed with the organization, the intentionality and the love and care given to our children. 

Leila loved that no one cared about her age and she wasn’t the only one with dietary restrictions among other things! As part of the senior camp, they spent a lot of time encouraging the girls to love the bodies and the talents God gave them and to not reject something their Creator made. While she’s heard this from us a lot, sometimes hearing from someone who’s like a big sister is what it takes to stick. It takes a village after all!

Mary-Michael cried a lot for the first 24 hours post-camp. She really bonded with 2 of the girls in her cabin, and she loved their week together. Her camp counselor is preparing for the mission field and led the girls through great discussion about Jesus, serving Him and His great plans for them. In true Mary-Michael fashion she’s already noting what she needs to bring next year and preparing to email her new friends to coordinate going the same week next year.

Over at the boys camp there was archery, body painting, competitive dodgeball and all kinds of hollering and Braveheart-type guy stuff. Our little man, Frazier, was named Honorary Camper out of all 31 Raptors (2nd and 3rd graders). This means that he exemplified the values of the camp and showed great enthusiasm and team work throughout the week. Love!! His favorite activity was the Blob at the lake, and he said they made learning about Jesus so fun. He also mentioned I need to learn some things from Winshape when it comes to teaching about God. Ha, he’s probably right! That’s why his daddy (Mr. Fun) is my best partner. This sweet boy cried when he got in the car because he was so happy to see us and missed us so much. 

Spring 2021

From baseball games and playdates to the May Ball, dance recitals and end of school year activities, we've had a lot of fun cheering one another on and making memories. We've welcomed the warm weather with a lot of outdoor time reading, jumping on the trampoline, walking the driveway and just sitting on the front porch. The end of school brought with it the end of most afternoon and evening activities and ushered in the relaxed days of summer. We welcome those! 

Frazier played his first year of minor baseball with 2 hour games and player-pitch games. We thoroughly enjoyed watching him grow as a player. 

He was blessed to play on a team-oriented, encouraging team, and we were blessed to have fellow parents around us that were equally encouraging and positive. 

He even tried pitching!

When reading isn't your favorite activity, Frazier still finds a way to make it fun. 

The entire lower school at Aylett participated in a vocabulary parade. Mary-Michael represented the word "jest" and was quite creative wearing a shirt filled with jokes and a belt carrying a roll of toilet paper, firecrackers and an egg carton. 

Benaiah enjoyed a play date with his buddy Adrian at Pole Green Park. 

Now here's a beautiful young lady and her proud momma after an afternoon at the hair salon getting ready with the rest of the girls for the May Ball. 

All smiles with a fierce determination to not dance with any boys. And she didn't.

All of the 7th grade girls at Aylett.

Preparing to enjoy the middle school art show at Aylett and celebrate all of Leila's hard work from the last 2 years. 

Leila sketched Emma Watson, Zendaya and Jack from When Calls the Heart. 

Both girls enjoyed a dance class this year called Pom Funk, which is essentially jazz with a little cheerleading mixed in. 

All the proud grandmothers were able to attend the dance recital.

Frazier and Nonnie after a baseball game. 

Reading and walking Tasha on a leash. That's talent.

The "Poppy pose" as we've coined it. We enjoyed a family day trip to Va Beach over spring break. 

Happy days of summer with a lot of fun trips ahead!