Leila loved that no one cared about her age and she wasn’t the only one with dietary restrictions among other things! As part of the senior camp, they spent a lot of time encouraging the girls to love the bodies and the talents God gave them and to not reject something their Creator made. While she’s heard this from us a lot, sometimes hearing from someone who’s like a big sister is what it takes to stick. It takes a village after all!
Mary-Michael cried a lot for the first 24 hours post-camp. She really bonded with 2 of the girls in her cabin, and she loved their week together. Her camp counselor is preparing for the mission field and led the girls through great discussion about Jesus, serving Him and His great plans for them. In true Mary-Michael fashion she’s already noting what she needs to bring next year and preparing to email her new friends to coordinate going the same week next year.
Over at the boys camp there was archery, body painting, competitive dodgeball and all kinds of hollering and Braveheart-type guy stuff. Our little man, Frazier, was named Honorary Camper out of all 31 Raptors (2nd and 3rd graders). This means that he exemplified the values of the camp and showed great enthusiasm and team work throughout the week. Love!! His favorite activity was the Blob at the lake, and he said they made learning about Jesus so fun. He also mentioned I need to learn some things from Winshape when it comes to teaching about God. Ha, he’s probably right! That’s why his daddy (Mr. Fun) is my best partner. This sweet boy cried when he got in the car because he was so happy to see us and missed us so much.