Monday, April 13, 2020

Happy Resurrection Day!

Easter week is a special week at our home. We've been doing a 40 day countdown to the special day with readings telling all about the prophecies given through the Old Testament about Jesus. This is such a great time of firming up our faith foundation. 

For the 4th or 5th year, we have been doing a Messianic Passover Seder geared for children. The children love this so much, and we do, too. 

Leila is cutting up apples for the charoset (fruit and nuts mixed together to represent the mortar the slaves used in their work).

Daddy reading about the Last Supper.

Washing one another's feet, which is what Jesus did the night before his crucifixion to teach his disciples humility. 

Hunting for the Afikomen, a piece of matzo broken off, concealed in a white cloth and hidden to represent Christ's body wrapped in a cloth and hidden in a tomb. 

Easter egg hunting with Nonnie.

He didn't seem as interested in the stuff inside the eggs as he did with the bucket and eggs. 

Nailing metal spikes into our cross at the front of our property to give the kids a sense of what it was like for Jesus. 

Thank you, Jesus. 

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the confetti eggs from Mexico!

Happy Easter from our family to yours!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Life with the Coronavirus

As life has greatly shifted with all of the restrictions and changes that have come with COVID-19, we are so thankful for our home and farm that gives us sanctuary and space to run around, complete school-work and enjoy fresh air. We are enjoying slower mornings and longer time in family devotions and prayer, as there is much to pray about. Family dinners linger longer, and we are living life outside as much as we can. There are no dance classes, baseball practices or church events to go to, but there are new things like classes on Zoom and mom doing her best to homeschool and keep everyone on some sort of schedule. There are small group meetings and church meetings online and Facetime phone calls with school friends in the middle of the day. The big kids have taken on more responsibility at the farm feeding the cows twice a day and filling up waterers as Daddy is still working full-time (we are so thankful for this!). We are writing more letters and sending cards to family and friends. We're having fun delivering farm goodies to neighbors and those from church we know are in need. How cool that about a week before all of these changes we picked up hundreds of pounds of beef from the butcher, and they had not been accounted for. So much to share!

Life has slowed down for a season, and it has brought so many feelings and discussions. We are talking about the coronavirus and praying for the tragic deaths. We are discussing how all of these things being cancelled is hard, but it is for the greater good of our community and nation, and we all need to do our part. I pray we can find that as a whole, this tragic virus is bringing us all back to what is truly essential; what really matters. May your perspective be hopeful and not cynical, which steals our joy. Love to each of you!

Exploring the creek and trails at Pole Green Park - just momma and Frazier.

Reading in the hammock at home.

Geoff enjoyed helping a friend who runs a Chick-fil-a on a Saturday. 

One of the bigger challenges with homeschool is this little man who wants to be in the middle of everything. Water play, play-doh, reading and outside time are good distractions. 

Nature art by Frazier.

Nature art by the girls of the bride and groom who will eventually get to wed on the farm.

Must leave the house moment - we took a day trip to Westmoreland State Park to enjoy the water and the trails along the Potomac River.

Dress up Benaiah moment.

Why not get some baby chicks? We needed more animals...