What a beautiful young lady you are becoming. Strong and fierce and full of passion for justice yet shy and quiet in other moments. It is a joy to be your mother even on those hard days when you act like you are president of the debate team (which by the way will be a perfect extracurricular for you in high school).
You are such a bright girl, and your love for reading is immense! When you are supposed to be putting away laundry, you're reading. Chore time? Nose is in a book. Time to get ready for school? I find you on the bed reading. I love it...and then I don't. All in all, it is a wonderful thing. You love so many kinds of books. Lately you've been reading anything in comic form, the American Girl series, The Story by Max Lucado, and you love the classics like Little Women and Swiss Family Robinson. You read your favorites many times over.
Your mind is a little sponge, and you are doing fabulous in your third year with Junior Bible Quiz (like jeopardy with Bible facts/history). You also are enjoying any kind of STEM project, which is awesome for a young lady. Since you haven't been super thrilled about sports, we decided to get you a monthly STEM kit, and we just put together our own spin art machine with it's own motor and breadboard. You loved it!
You love quality time, and any chance to have an alone moment with me or Daddy is special for you. You also aren't afraid to ask for it, which is great. I love that you advocate for what you need. You also love to give gifts to others, make gifts for others and spend money on others. You have a generous heart (especially toward those not named Frazier or Leila...we are working on that). But speaking of siblings, Benaiah loves you to pieces, and you are so good to him. He often reaches for you, and you stick your non-existent hip out to hold his 25 lbs. It's very sweet.
You are a loyal friend and are well-liked by your classmates and teachers. You continue to thrive in school and love to go every day. Your favorite school attire consists of skinny jeans, a Simply Southern t-shirt, bright socks and camo Crocs or tennis shoes. The Crocs are not my favorite, but they are yours, so we choose to not fight that battle.
Mary-Michael - we love you and we are cheering you on. Your Daddy and I love your leadership and who you are becoming. You are a wonderful daughter, a beloved child of the King. We love you with all our hearts.
Momma and Daddy

Recent photos from our family session. Stunning!
Matching American Girl pajamas from Grandma and Grandpa.
For your 9th birthday, you chose to spend a weekend away with just us at First Landing State Park. We had a wonderful, memory-making weekend in a 2 bedroom cabin, on the beach, through the trails and in the trees. Here are some pictures from the weekend celebrating YOU!