Never did I know how much and how easily I could love a little boy that didn't come from me, doesn't look like me and that I had so little time to prepare my heart for. Only God can grow a mother's love like this in such a special way. You are one spectacular little boy, and I am truly honored that I get to be your momma.
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about the very different choice your selfless birth mother made. She gave you life and because of her great love for you, she made the hardest decision to give you a different opportunity to grow up in - one that is away from her. I'm so thankful for her, and I'm so glad she is still in our lives. On your birthday she texted my before 5am remembering that was the time her water broke. She wished her "little prince" a happy birthday. She loves you so much. And how can she not?
Your smile lights up a room, and you smile often. You have brought so much joy into our home and there hasn't been a moment that one of your older siblings has fussed because you were taking too much of my attention. They love you immensely, and they love to play with you, hold you and help you.
You are making all kinds of talking sounds, crawling and pulling up. You only have 2 front teeth but somehow you manage to eat just about anything we are eating. You especially love scrambled eggs, pineapple and green beans. You liked your birthday cake but didn't quite know what to do with it when we put it in front of you.
We had a safari theme for your 1st birthday, and it was so fun to celebrate you. Your story is already touching lives, and your happy countenance is already bringing joy. How exciting it will be to watch how much your grow and change in this next year.
We love you so much Baby B,