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The start of a new school year is a bittersweet one for a momma. We're usually ready for a routine after the fun and lazy days of summer. But it also reminds me that each of our kids is one year older, a little more independent and growing up way too fast. Some days are hard, and I am ready for bedtime in the worst way, and then I lie in bed at night feeling sad about how fast the time is flying. It goes by so fast yet the days can feel so long. This is one of those hard things about parenting. I pray often for joy in the mundane tasks of packing lunches, wiping spills, folding laundry and tripping over endless Legos and gel pens. One day I will miss vacuuming up beads and rocks (aka crystals) and the mess of the house. Neat and orderly doesn't equal love and grace, though it does make me think clearer sometimes. Lord, help me pay attention to what matters and overlook what doesn't. Help me reach their hearts and shape them in to the people you have called them to be.
My sweet smartypants meeting Mrs. Allensworth during Open House.
They all had to join in on the fun, of course.
Entering her last year of elementary school with Mrs. Whittaker at Aylett Country Day School. Miss Leila, you have come so far in just a few years! Fifth grade has not been easy, but you are equipped, and we believe in you!
My big first grader who makes friends wherever he goes. He is thoroughly enjoying Mrs. Sherman at Cool Spring, and thriving in class.
Mary-Michael started at a new school this year (yes, that is 3 kids in 3 different schools), and she is part of the Gifted and Talented program. Her main teachers are Ms. Allensworth and Mrs. Wray. She loves school and was so excited to go back!
Love those smiling faces! (I wish it was like this every morning! Is your morning filled with racing around, turning around because someone forgot something and praying you don't get stuck behind a bus so you make it to school on time?!)
I am determined to not let the blog go, at least for my own family's memories! So, here's a wrap up of the last 6 weeks of Summer 2018.
Leila and Geoff, along with the rest of this group, took a 5 day to Philly to serve with a ministry working in the inner city. They served the homeless, ministered to drug addicts, cleaned up parks where there is a lot of drug activity and loved on some kids living in the inner city. It was an unforgettable and positive trip for them both!
While they were in Philly, I had a 2 day retreat with my MUMS leadership team. These ladies love on our mommas (almost 60 in our group this year) in such a passionate way. They spur me on, challenge me and push me to seek after God in new ways. They are always so sweet to honor my birthday, too, which was during our retreat weekend for the 2nd year in a row.
Some of our families we do life with had a delicious birthday dinner for my 35th, which included my favorite dessert - homemade Oatmeal Cream Pies from Shyndigz. Thanks to my hubby for that!
And a birthday foot massage from these 2 sweet kids. Such love!
When Geoff returned from Philly, we enjoyed an evening out at The Boathouse for dinner. I love this guy!
My momma's birthday is a few days after mine, so the kids and I met her at a beautiful vineyard called Saude Creek where we enjoyed a picnic lunch and beautiful sunshine.
More birthdays! We enjoyed a long weekend in Pennsylvania with some camping buddies. Our main purpose was to visit the Sight and Sound Theater and see the Jesus production. It was phenomenal!!!
Sweet pool time with Mrs. Kelly at the campground.
On our way home from Pennsyvania we stopped by Grandma and Grandpa's to celebrate Geoff and drop off the 2 big girls. They attended a day camp put on by WinShape (Chick-Fil-A's non-profit) and stayed with Grandma and Grandpa for the week.
WinShape camp was full of fun and learning about the Good Shepherd.
A sweet visit with Anna Mae (baby girl of my dear friend from college) who did such a great job playing with Benaiah.
The last hurrah before the start of school was a week at the beach with other families who have adopted from Niger.
Crazy hair, don't care! These girls did each other's hair all week. So fun!
First time in the sand and salty water.
This crew of families loves adventure. This was one of the highlights. A high ropes course. All three of our kids made it up to the highest and hardest level. No fear!
Zalika and Leila grew up in the same orphanage in Niger and were very dear friends there. How sweet that God would bring them back together here!
Those are some cute kids.
And a very cute baby and handsome Daddy.
Our church put on a new series and experience called At The Movies during the month of August. Geoff helped with the set building and coordination. We welcomed many new families this month, which was awesome.
Watch out girls!
Don't get the baby!
Spending some time with his Great Mimi.
We enjoyed relaxing at Nonnie and Grandad's over Labor Day, especially this little Wahoo.
Still amazed that I get to be this little guy's momma.
Relaxing with momma.
One of the benefits of having a farm is not only all of the life lessons but all of the fun you can have with farm implements. Hay bale jumping!
Love the summertime when we have so many new calves like this one.
We are blessed to have great friends with a lake house on Lake Anna where we enjoy gathering with many families throughout the summer. Beautiful young ladies right here wrapping up a fun, full Summer 2018!