Thursday, August 30, 2018

Benaiah - 6 months!!

Sweet baby boy,

You are a blessing, and we love that you are ours! Your infectious smile and easy going attitude have been a great gift to us as we dove into being a family of 6 so fast. 

At 6 months, you are meeting all of your milestones. The pediatrician said you are going to be a “big person” with a head size off the charts and continuing to be in the 90-95th percentile for height. You weighed in at 18 lbs. 4 oz. at your 6 month check-up. 

You are eating oatmeal and bananas, and we will try a vegetable soon. Eating really means messy spit up and you trying to figure out what to do with these foreign substances in your mouth. You don’t have any teeth yet but the amount of drool that comes out indicates one is coming soon.

You are still sleeping in our room. How did that happen?! The others were out before they hit 3 months. Alas, last baby - I guess I’m hanging on a bit.

Auntie (your birth mom) checks in on you every few weeks. She cares for you so much, and I’m so thankful she wants to be a part of your life.

We love you. Your siblings think you’re awesome and love playing with you. You are starting to mimic them, and they get a big kick out of that. Keep growing, keep smiling!

All our love,
Momma and Daddy

Sister love.

Brotherly love.

This is what happens when you are the youngest. 

Not amused.

Hanging out with Great Mimi.