Because Easter is the crux of our Christian faith yet often gets overshadowed by Christmas, my heart has been to set a few traditions in place for our family. I love traditions because they help us remember, they put rhythm in our lives and they mark the truly important things. So, we continued our tradition of a Messianic Seder (Christian Passover) this year. The kids were so excited, and they don't even like the food we eat! It's the candles, and the goblets of grape juice and the words Daddy and I read that remind us of Jesus' last supper. It's powerful because God's Word is just that - powerful. And how can you not find glory and God in washing one another's feet? Tickles and comments of stinkiness aside, it is simply special. So, Leila and I made our matzoh, the girls made the tin foil plates, Frazier lit the candles (boys love fire) and we all prepared the meal. I'm so thankful for this moment and this remembering.

We awoke on Good Friday morning to new life in these sweet triplets. New life on a day that signified Jesus' death. In his death and triumph on the cross, we have new life. We are made new! Praise the Lord! Having walked without Jesus for many years, I can remember the angst in my life before Him, and I'm so thankful for how different I am because of Him and His love for me. I have purpose and hope and identity!
We continued our celebration and remembering at our church's annual Remembrance Walk on Friday night. This has been a tradition for me and Geoff for as long as it's beein going on, and it's awesome now that all the kids are a bit older to do this is a family. We walked through different scenes as Pontious Pilate, Judas and Peter reflected on Jesus' death and what that meant for them and the burdens they now carried because of their actions and inactions. Our fine arts team rocks and never fails to amaze.
And then Resurrection Day! Woo! A beautiful day of weather for a lovely day of celebration - a great reminder that every day, we, as God's children, live with the promise of new life and have the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwelling in us. Every. Single. Day. Not just Easter. Come on! Thank you, Jesus.
And thank you, Jesus, for these awesome kids you have blessed me with. Aren't they beautiful? I just love them.