It's been a full, "what did I forget today?", "which class needed the pineapple and who needed stuffed eggs or was supposed to wear green?" kind of week. My agenda was a hot mess of reminders and plans. After a weekend in Northern VA meeting our new nephew, Maxwell Lawrence Hedges, Frazier and I took a last-minute trip with Kelly, Charlotte and Carter to Busch Gardens on Monday. I probably should have been catching up on life or preparing for the full week ahead, but we sure enjoyed the fun and fellowship. The lines were virtually nonexistent!
After our day of fun, the real fun began. Both dogs got sick and had to go the vet on the same day we had a livestock vet come out to the house to check on our goats (we recently had stillborn triplets and lost a 1 year old goat). This week I have spent a minimum of 5 hours either cleaning up poo or discussing poo. And I have no one in diapers! Let's just say I am over bodily fluids and vowed we would not get any more animals that couldn't take care of their own bathroom issues or really any animals at all. Period. The End. I spoke too soon. Our farming partner showed up yesterday with 2 ducklings that needed a home. The word is out that we run an animal rescue - it's not true, people!
We managed to laugh at the insanity of it all and enjoyed many fun school events this week and some very special family moments as we prepared our hearts for Easter. Here are some pictures. I'll postseparately on Easter - so special.
Geoff sharing at Leila's Career Day. Each student took home a plant and Geoff took home a lot of sweet thank you notes from the kids. I heard he did a great job!
Frazier enjoyed his Easter celebration at preschool of songs, treats and egg hunting.
Frazier and I joined Mary-Michael for her non-competitive field day (I still don't agree with that; it's ok to learn about winning and losing and great lessons can come from it when delivered appropriately). Regardless, she enjoyed it and the day was beautiful. They even let Frazier join in.
On Thursday night, we enjoyed celebrating the completion of reading Nim's Island (a school wide campaign) by watching the movie in the cafeteria at Leila's school.
Mary-Michael woke up in the middle of the night on Thursday with a high fever, so our day shifted on Friday. Daddy had taken the day off to be a "watchdog" at her school, but we had to postpone that because she was out sick. Sweet girl also had to miss her spring party, but I was able to get to Leila's and help with her celebration. I am so grateful we can be involved in the schools to get a pulse on how things are going and how our kids are doing.
One of the highlights of the week: a neighbor we've been reaching out to for years came over and had coffee. We had wonderful conversation and even a time of prayer at the end. It was so special.
My prayer focus this week was for God to fill me with His Holy Spirit so that I would not parent apart from Him. I knew the likelihood of me "losing it" increased tenfold every time I looked at my agenda, so this prayer was purposeful and necessary. However, I had no major "mom crazy" moments and noticeably more joy. Man, I am thankful for His continued Grace and Holy Spirit. And wow, I am so grateful for Easter and that beautiful way He uses my messes for His glory. I pray the true joy and power of Easter transforms you, too.
Happy Spring Break!!