Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Days!

We enjoyed a very special Easter week celebrating our risen Savior. Mary-Michael had scarlet fever, which is a form of strep, on Good Friday, so that changed our original plans of doing the cross raising at sunrise and remembrance walk at church. But that was OK, because we still made it special and meaningful. I found some very thorough plans and instructions on how to do a kid friendly Messianic Passover Seder meal (, which was a huge success with the kids. We ate food that Jesus and his disciples would have eaten, washed each other's feet and drink and celebrated the four different cups of drink (grape juice) that are traditionally given during a passover. We wanted them to experience what it may have been like for Jesus on the night before he died, and they have talked about it several times in the last few days. They really connected with the evening, and it was one of those rare moments where Geoff and I said "Yes, they got it! Success!"

We ate on tinfoil plates, had dried fruit and nuts, hard-boiled eggs, bitter herbs and salt water to represent the tears of the Jewish people. I also made matzoh and lamb meatballs, which were only enjoyed by Frazier.
Very precious and humbling washing each other's feet.

And since we couldn't go to the cross raising, that gave daddy the push to finally put a cross up at the front of our farm, which the kids have been asking him to do for a few years.

Our resident digger!
Praise Jesus!

Our Easter finest with their cool shades. 

With a joint effort we pulled together a great Easter lunch with 2 of our favorite families (the Senters and Rivas) and my mom and stepdad. It was really lovely!

And remember, while Easter may be over, Christ is still risen! We pray that truth has captured your heart and your life! His power and grace are truly transformational. Love from the farm!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

School Events

It's been a full, "what did I forget today?", "which class needed the pineapple and who needed stuffed eggs or was supposed to wear green?" kind of week. My agenda was a hot mess of reminders and plans. After a weekend in Northern VA meeting our new nephew, Maxwell Lawrence Hedges, Frazier and I took a last-minute trip with Kelly, Charlotte and Carter to Busch Gardens on Monday. I probably should have been catching up on life or preparing for the full week ahead, but we sure enjoyed the fun and fellowship. The lines were virtually nonexistent!

After our day of fun, the real fun began. Both dogs got sick and had to go the vet on the same day we had a livestock vet come out to the house to check on our goats (we recently had stillborn triplets and lost a 1 year old goat). This week I have spent a minimum of 5 hours either cleaning up poo or discussing poo. And I have no one in diapers! Let's just say I am over bodily fluids and vowed we would not get any more animals that couldn't take care of their own bathroom issues or really any animals at all. Period. The End. I spoke too soon. Our farming partner showed up yesterday with 2 ducklings that needed a home. The word is out that we run an animal rescue - it's not true, people!

We managed to laugh at the insanity of it all and enjoyed many fun school events this week and some very special family moments as we prepared our hearts for Easter. Here are some pictures. I'll postseparately  on Easter - so special.

Geoff sharing at Leila's Career Day. Each student took home a plant and Geoff took home a lot of sweet thank you notes from the kids. I heard he did a great job!

Frazier enjoyed his Easter celebration at preschool of songs, treats and egg hunting.

Frazier and I joined Mary-Michael for her non-competitive field day (I still don't agree with that; it's ok to learn about winning and losing and great lessons can come from it when delivered appropriately). Regardless, she enjoyed it and the day was beautiful. They even let Frazier join in.

On Thursday night, we enjoyed celebrating the completion of reading Nim's Island (a school wide campaign) by watching the movie in the cafeteria at Leila's school. 

Mary-Michael woke up in the middle of the night on Thursday with a high fever, so our day shifted on Friday. Daddy had taken the day off to be a "watchdog" at her school, but we had to postpone that because she was out sick. Sweet girl also had to miss her spring party, but I was able to get to Leila's and help with her celebration. I am so grateful we can be involved in the schools to get a pulse on how things are going and how our kids are doing. 

One of the highlights of the week: a neighbor we've been reaching out to for years came over and had coffee. We had wonderful conversation and even a time of prayer at the end. It was so special.

My prayer focus this week was for God to fill me with His Holy Spirit so that I would not parent apart from Him. I knew the likelihood of me "losing it" increased tenfold every time I looked at my agenda, so this prayer was purposeful and necessary. However, I had no major "mom crazy" moments and noticeably more joy. Man, I am thankful for His continued Grace and Holy Spirit. And wow, I am so grateful for Easter and that beautiful way He uses my messes for His glory. I pray the true joy and power of Easter transforms you, too.

Happy Spring Break!! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Some Recent Firsts

It's always an adventure in the Lawrence household with the farm, growing kids and our Niger community. Here are some fun "firsts" from the last month.

Leila, her two Niger "sisters"and their dear friend performed at a benefit to raise money for a Niger orphanage. They danced two dances that are very popular in Niger. It was very sweet, and we are very thankful that we have such a strong Niger community here in the Richmond area.

I am so thankful to have these other mothers that have adopted older girls from Niger. They are such a wonderful resource and support for our unique family.

Due to continuous tornado warnings, we recently camped out in our very small half bath. We ate dinner, did homework and attempted to put the kids to bed unsuccessfully. They thought it was great fun the first hour and then the novelty wore off!

Leila's first experience bottle feeding a baby goat.

Leila singing at her first concert at school. She did a great job!

While Leila was at her first-ever friend sleepover, Mary-Michael attended her first ever real princess birthday bash. Avery, the daughter of our late friend Renee, had an amazing fifth birthday party with real princesses, make up and a real tea party out on the lawn. It was unforgettable and Renee would have loved it!

And we can't forget about our little guy who started his first year of T-ball this year. Bottom line - Geoff is stoked.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Six and Counting

Dear Mary-Michael,

To my beautiful little girl that I dreamed of and wanted for so long. All those long months of trying to conceive you seem like so long ago. I have changed so much, and certainly you have in the last 6 years. How little I knew about life and parenting and living by faith back then. And honestly, how little I probably still do know, but I've certainly learned a lot in having you and experienced and dared to live in ways I couldn't even imagine when you entered this world. 

You are such a treasure full of determination and emotion. Oh, the emotions! I really didn't think I'd encounter those until puberty, but child, you have them. Big feelings is what we often call them because sometimes you just can't explain why writing a letter backwards makes you so mad at yourself or why you just can't hold it altogether anymore when I pick you up from school. Sometimes you just need a moment alone, like me. Sometimes, you have to be reminded that we will never be perfect, and that's ok. Then we can experience the beautiful gift of God's amazing grace...on a daily basis. I need that reminder, too, babe. And like me, you like school, and you love to learn, and you aren't coordinated with sports at this point. That's ok. You have many other gifts. To celebrate your birthday, we let you choose a family activity, and you chose Bowling! You lost both games but you didn't care and had a great time. We gave each of you a dollar to spend in the arcade, and you spotted the claw that never picks up the stuffed animals in the machine. You were determined! All on your own and with your last quarter, you successfully grabbed the husky dog you wanted. You affectionately named him Snow and he has slept with you every night since.

You so often paint pictures, make necklaces and wrap things you own to give to others. You love to sit and read by yourself even though you don't often know all the words. Your determination will get you far. I love your excitement when you see friends, and you are so well-liked at school and by your teachers. Mrs. Kilgore frequently tells us what a great example you set in the class with your manners and hard work. Thank you for making that so easy for us.

You are into coloring like it's your job these days. And you love to be outside exploring the woods with your siblings, riding your bike and climbing trees. You go through spurts with your hair and liking headbands or twists or some other hairstyle you dream up that I attempt to create. Recently you sewed your own dangly hair bow. You were so proud, and you wore it to church....

You are by far our messiest child. We stand wide-eyed as you carry your glass of milk to the table. You are never allowed to carry things in multiples. This just equals disaster. You regularly trip, spill, knock over and manage to look like you washed your food in face after a meal. This morning I was wiping milk off your eye and nose. Thankfully, you can laugh about your messiness, and we do our best to not make a big deal out of it. But sometimes, I just go, "Seriously?! How did that even happen?!"

Since you were 2 we have been memorizing Scripture as a family, and the verses you remember amaze me. And I love that you are starting to connect the verses to stuff in real life. It's getting to your heart! And that's so much of what we want - a soft heart that loves and leads others well. A heart that is bent toward Jesus and serving others in His namesake. We are all learning together, and you are doing a wonderful job soaking in the truth and learning what it looks like to live out the words you are memorizing.

Becoming the middle child has probably been the hardest thing in your 6 years, and we don't take that lightly. We know it hasn't been easy sharing your room, no longer being the oldest and navigating life with 2 siblings, but you are doing a great job. Thank you for making room in your heart and in our home for your big sister, Leila. Thank you for sharing your toys, sharing momma and daddy and sharing the attention. You have helped her learn English better and you are such an encourager as she learns to read right along with you. We love you sweet girl. You are a treasure.


P. S. You still suck your thumb! Oy vey.

Bowling toothless fun!
The three of you bottlefeeding a sweet goat.
Here you are the same dress that I wore when I was your age. You are so beautiful!