Day three (Sunday) is coming to an end, and we are not lacking for good stories, moments, and laughter. Today was more low key but still quite amazing. We have been spoiled on this trip with good food, and this morning was no exception as we got to discover pastries from a local bakery. They were delicious! It was the perfect way to wake up and get going after a late night of game-playing and good conversation.

Our team was invited to attend a local church for Sunday worship. The service began with singing, clapping...... and a lot of dancing! It seems the Nigerien people often end up moving their feet and forming a circle when there is an opportunity to praise the Lord. It only seemed right to join them (when in Niger....). One of our team members, Erica, embraced her inner dancer before any of us. She not only joined the people of this church, but also started a second circle at the end of the service, bringing the rest of us out of our comfort zone. The beauty of it was it was quite the opposite of uncomfortable, it was freeing. It was also sweet, as we felt that we were one, unified because of Christ, seeing that He made a way for us to communicate even though we speak different languages. He was faithful to bring us together.

Believe it or not, the rest of the service was just as precious. Pastor Dwayne preached a truly encouraging message from Exodus. The pastors of the church invited Bryan and Laci to the front and laid hands on them to pray for their upcoming marriage.

Experiencing this, as they prayed in French, was just a reminder of our common bond in Christ. They also set aside some time for a few of their church members to share what the Lord has done in their lives. One man thanked Him because his sons came to church with him and it gave him so much joy. Another simply reminded us that regardless of sickness or persecution, material things, and temporary highs, nothing satisfies like Christ does. "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."
The rest of our Sunday was relaxed and the team got to spend some quality time together. We prayed for our friends, Rodrigo and Juanita, as Juanita is having a difficult time with her pregnancy. We laughed a LOT at dinner. We ended the evening with a sweet time of prayer and praise on the roof, a tradition here in Niger with all LINK™ teams. What a great day!
Grace and Peace,
The LiveTen24 Discovery Team