My little man,
We thank Jesus that you are healthy again and back on your way to being your normal, sweet and happy self. The last couple of weeks have been hard, but you have been a real champ with all the doctors. And while I loved your snuggling and desire to be held all the time, I am glad you are wriggling out of my arms again and ready to move.
Crawling continues to be your preferred way to get around, and while I've caught you a few times standing on your own, for the most part you have not shown you're ready to walk, and that is totally fine by me. I have realized I'm not so concerned about milestones the second go round, which is evident in the fact that I haven't picked up my baby guide in I don't know how many months! I now understand that you sweet babies grow way too fast!
You love playing with your big sister, playing with legos, pushing a ball around and chasing it, wrestling with your daddy and sneaking dog food when I'm not looking. You have a mischievious side that is starting to show. When we tell you "No, sir" or "No, thank you" you simply grin and keep on going to the forbidden activity. You also enjoy being pushed in the swing and playing with toys that allow you to stand like your sister's kitchen and activity center. You play incredibly well by yourself, and I love to watch your curiosity as you discover new things. Discovering new things usually means tearing things apart and unloading all the toys that were put away. As I attempt to clean up from your wrath, in my head I hear "Shoveling the walk while it is still snowing is like cleaning your house while your kids are still growing." How true.
You are still averse to most green foods or actually anything that is a vegetable (unless it's a potato, which I actually think the experts now call a starch). You love yogurt, your baby oatmeal, applesauce, bananas and meat. You're ok with clementines, pears, peas, carrots and cheese. We are giving you what we eat for the most part, and it's hit or miss, so we'll keep trying. I haven't weaned you from nursing yet, so you are still doing that 3 times a day. I know the time is coming, so I better get out that baby guide for some help.
You make a lot of baby noises, and you love to wave at people. I make you dance an insane amount (with me), and you love to dance by yourself. You continue to be a really happy baby. I was worried after this sickness that you were going to lose some of that, but each day you get back to the normal you a little bit more.
Your daddy and I are so proud to be your parents, and we are so thankful that God has allowed us to be your parents - the ones to love you unconditionally, teach you and raise you up. What a joy you are, Frazier.