Sweet Mary-Michael,
Today you are 4 months old. I was telling a colleague today how much I love being a mother to you - more than I ever could have imagined. And each day I'm with you I watch you grow and change, and I love you more. You are truly a darling little girl.
These last few weeks have been so much fun as your personality comes out of hiding beneath that sweet babyness. You are a talker (just like your daddy). You are so much more aware of what's around you, and you want to talk about it. You are staying awake in the car more and babbling on in your own sweet language. You squeal and get really excited when Daddy kisses you. You blow raspberries and drool A LOT! You have the most precious smile and a very darling dimple on your right cheek. You like when Momma sings to you even though no one else may because I can't carry a tune. I love to sing Van Morrison's "Have I Told You Lately" to you, and even though I only know some of the words you don't seem to mind.
You have great control of your head now, so we can carry you with just one arm. You are rolling all over the place, which means getting onto your tummy and getting frustrated, rolling into the corner of the crib and getting stuck and getting yourself in all sorts of precarious spots that leave you unhappy. But you aren't shy - you let us know when you need help. You love love love to be standing on our laps with our help supporting you. I think its because you can see more and bounce up and down. Momma likes this, too, because much to Daddy's dismay she can make you dance.
You are so good when it comes time to go to bed. We read a story, say our prayers, cover you in kisses and say good night. For a few minutes you'll talk and squeal and then silence - you're asleep. Naptime is not always this easy as your nap schedule seems to change as your feeding schedule changes. Now that you're 4 months, I think we'll have to try a little bit harder. The books say you are very capable of falling asleep on your own (at naptime, too), and you should be showing us a pretty typical pattern during the day of when you're tired. So, we must pay more attention and make sure those naps are happening in your crib. Every once in a while I like to sneak a nap in my arms (i.e. yesterday while swinging in the hammock at Lake Anna). I guess I need to be better.
Seriously though, you are such a good baby. People notice how happy you are and how you rarely fuss unless you need something. And they always tell us how beautiful you are - and it's true, you are so pretty. But all the hairbows and outfit changes aren't what make you special. We know that God has great and perfect plans for your life and that if you let Him, he will use your special personality and life to make a difference in this world. We can't wait to see that unfold.
All our love to you baby girl,
Momma and Daddy