We've decided no book, class or person can quite prepare you for the experience of labor, childbirth and the unbelievable joy and emotion that comes when you bring another human being into the world. Wow. I have cried many happy tears over the last few days. When I am not so sleep-deprived, I will post on our birth/hospital experience but in the meantime, please enjoy some pictures.
Mary-Michael Anne Lawrence
7 lb. 10 oz.
21 inches long

Our Birth Experience (inserted on 5/13/2010)
On Friday, 3/5, I finished my work day and waited for your daddy to come home. I cooked a frozen pizza for dinner and we sat down to relax and watch tv. At this point, I didn't feel like doing much of anything but laying down. Daddy rubbed my feet and we both feel asleep on the couch. Around midnight we woke up and headed back to bed. I laid in bed unable to fall asleep and around 12:30am I started having contractions. I had had them before, so I watched the clock radio to see if they were regular. After about an hour I could see they were not going away, so I got up and got a snack and thought I'd better wake up Geoff. Around 1:30 I let him know it was time. He sat up in bed and said "Are you sure?" as I had had contractions so many times before it could have been another false alarm. I told him I was serious, and he popped out of bed and called the doctor. He got a nurse on the phone that he couldn't understand very well (we found out later she was from Nigeria) and awaited a call back from Dr. Powers. The contractions were about 5-7 minutes apart, so when Dr. Powers called she said take your time but get yourself together and come in. So, we took a shower, ensured we had everything in our bags, grabbed our pillows, called the parents and out the door we went.
We arrived at the hospital around 3:30am (surprisingly, the 30 minute drive there was not that uncomfortable). We had to enter through the ER where they placed me in a wheelchair (I had no choice - I certainly felt fine walking) and took me up to the 3rd floor. Now, I must mention my outfit - a cotton gray skirt, red stretch tank, tight brown maternity cardigan, brown dansko clogs and my beautiful set of pearls. I'm sure the nurses thought I looked like a real diva, but I did not want to wear one of those awful hospital gowns. So, they settled me into the hopital room with a nurse named Christiana. She happened to be the nurse Geoff spoke with from Nigeria. She was a tough cookie and got straight to the point. She measured me, and I was only 2 cm dilated so she encouraged me to start walking.
So, Daddy and I made our laps through the birth center and soon Grandma and Papa George arrived from Alexandria. They had left around 4:30am to come and wait for you to arrive! Following them came Nonnie who took Daddy's place and did some walking with me. The contractions were uncomfortable but certainly manageable. By 9am I had progressed to 5cm. I was excited! Dr. Hutcheson came on that morning and had read my birth plan so he knew not to ask if I wanted the epidural. I was determined to do it naturally.
Between 9am and 12pm I progressed from 5cm to 8cm. I was really happy about this and felt encouraged...and then I got stuck. Once I hit 8cm the contractions were coming on strong. It was an unbelievable pain I had never felt but your daddy was an amazing partner. He stood with me many times while I took a shower and let hot water run over my belly. He did the breathing with me, kept telling me I could do it and that I was strong. He was amazing, and I couldn't have enjoyed it like I did without him. In the middle of these contractions we had a few visitors including April who prepared your hospital crib. She made sure it was pretty and extra special, and she wasn't even working that day!
Around 3pm they checked me again because I really felt like I had to push, but I was still 8cm. I was in a lot of pain and moaning a lot. Nonnie and Grandma were still in the room. The doc asked me to think about getting an epidural because me body wasn't relaxing. I said no and asked them to come back later. We forged ahead with more showering, moaning and hand squeezing. Nonnie and Grandma left so that your daddy and I could be alone and to hang out with the rest of the friends and family that were waiting in the family area (we found out later they were having a party with food that your Mimi brought). The doc came in around 5pm when I felt like I had to push again, and I was still 8 cm. No progress in 5 hours! He said I really needed to get the epidural to get my body to relax, and I was so tired from not sleeping the night before, so we agreed.
In minutes the anaesthesiologist was there, and in minutes I felt relief. Now I know what everyone was raving about! The one sad part is I had to give up my cute labor outfit and put on the awful hospital gown. With the epidural, I hardly felt the contractions and within an hour I had dilated to 10cm, so they began prepping for your arrival. It was so exciting! Christiana came back on and her and your daddy were pals by then. He was calling her Sarg even! Seven pushes later you entered into this world and your sweet self was placed on my chest. I cried and even now writing this 2 months later am getting misty. It was heavenly. Your daddy cut the umbilical cord, they cleaned you off and within 30 minutes of your life you were nursing. The whole thing was surreal. You were born at 7:29pm. Once you had nursed the visitors came in and boy did you have lots of them!
Everyone left around 11pm and we were moved to a postpartum room where we would stay for the next few days. Christiana was supposed to relinquish us once we moved, but she enjoyed us so much she stayed on. It was really sweet. The nurses were amazing, and we were actaully a bit sad to leave. You are a precious gem Mary-Michael.